Thank you I would be happy to see your feedback, but you know? in my habits I never stop so I'm trying to improve it by the time it expires and I can do it I'll share it for you, so try this version and you tell me what it gives you !! thank youHi gold mastering
Thanks for the new EA
I'm going to test that in demo and live account
I'm going to buy it if it is a successful ea
As you said there's a value in every manufactured product in the capitalist world.
Ciao, SL e TP sono totalmente automatici EA è tutto da solo, e il pulsante closeall è fatto per chiudere gli ordini in 1 singolo click quando vuoi ... è un'opzione aggiuntivaCiao amico.
Sto testando il tuo EA. Vorrei chiederti, ma i tp e sl sono automatici o devi chiuderli manualmente?
Evviva il tuo lavoro.
thank you!Ciao, SL e TP sono totalmente automatici EA è tutto da solo, e il pulsante closeall è fatto per chiudere gli ordini in 1 singolo click quando vuoi ... è un'opzione aggiuntiva
Where is ur test?Foward test ea sauna tf 4h
Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
neither the gride follows a logic of step in pips and without analyzing the market in the bid or the ask but SAUNA do not have this logicits not marti but a grid ea kind of a cousin of marti... marti doubling the lot but grid fix the lot in opposite direction. The only kind of maybe specialss movement i can see was they have cut loss and a bigger win/loss ratio.
good EA....Hello,
I introduce you my new born is "SAUNA".
I invite you to watch the video youtube to have a little idea.
Good luck my friends !!
Verry good result!! it's on demo?Foward test ea sauna tf 4h
And initial deposit is...?Foward test ea sauna tf 4h