My Fxbook still not verified. I registered previously to show you my acc is running & fine hence i cannot you provide link since it needed to be verified 1st. Too lazy to do that =)
anyway this is current fxbook.
View attachment 116615
"When you feed someone with a fish, you feed it for a day, but when you teach him/her how to fish, you will feed him/her for life."
Yes agreed there is no harm to share investor password. But the effort wont be the same when the answer is there for you. I'm not saying its not ok..It just i prefer it that way since my last teacher which is my previous boss teach me this way eventhough he is 1 of very successful trader whom i get to know. He never feed me with anything. He gv me an assignment and its depend on me either i want to grab it or just think "why dont u just gv me your investor password. That way i can just copy your trade".
And after few years i understand why he never feed me. =)
can u please attach the indi
Oh I just tried turning on this to "true" and it worked.
View attachment 116521
Do you have this set to true?
View attachment 116520
I understand but using your value of 2250 I do not get any fibo lines
if you think self about what you say.. it isnt the same...
mathematics isnt an opinion... but scientific procedure!
0.10 lot x 1.5 multi = 0.15 and not 0.11
next one
bp2000 I will appreciate if you can implement a hidden number in the multi that can do this , for example:
multi = 99.1 = lotsize + 0.01+ 0.01....
multi = 99.2 = lotsize + 0.02+ 0.02...
multi = 99.3 = lotsize + 0.03 + 0.03...
and so on... it is enough if you reach 99.9 also +0.09
thx in advance
Can you detaliate? i dont understand what you mean by " once signal aligned it's mean you are good to go..Just control your margin % level and u can just hold your position." How can i avoid losses when the indicator repaints every new low?Yes its recalculate. But once signal aligned it's mean you are good to go..Just control your margin % level and u can just hold your position. As for me since im really farmiliar with the system, ill just add few layer until its reach the lowest point for GBPAUD.Once its found it, it will rocket like crazy. =) Just wait for a while and u will get what i mean
Thanks for the wish guys. Im not gving up trading since im doing it full time. And update for today for gbp pair.(entry on friday last week) close early since hit my target.
running trade today (gold) as attached.
Additional filter really works. Low drawdown and accurate entry compare to before & i changed stoch setting as well to makes it more accurate. Takes almost 2 week for me to complete the setting and testing
Quite hesitate to share here. So ill share to BP2000 Later incase he want to add it to his EA. I wont share here.
Thanks for my daughter wishes. Good luck
Is it repaint or not ?I found an indicator which seems to be working very well for entry point.![]()
Repaint, but from what i tested, it works goodIs it repaint or not ?