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New EA Multicurrency EA VelociGrid

Version 2.08

Added small improvements to the code, several tests, accelerated work.
Added handling of StopLevel and FreezeLevel broker.
I.e. for example, if you set TP=10, StopLevel=30, when you open orders TP will be moved automatically to level 30пп from the open price. Next, turn on the Trailing Stop for this value, the essence of which is to move the TA to its original level with 30пп at 10pp each tick. The trailing stop kicks in when the price is not in "our side", moving away from the open price, giving the opportunity to rearrange the take. If the price went straight towards TP, then it will stay 30пп. After opening the next tribe takes all translated and exhibited to the maximum allowable distance Leveled broker, then tramatza all together in the same pattern.
Hi KingUSA I am testing the VG 2.08 your updated version and I do not see the SL. Is it hidden 30 pips as you mentioned? Also when the first order is open and the line for the second entry is shown in the opposite direction of the entry, why new order is not opened right away when the price has moved to it. I mean this is great not real martingale but there is a different logic behind the Grid. I like it so far. Please share a bit more details before I start it on real account. Thanks for the EA and info.
Ver. 2.08 is good

someone bought and tested 3.12 in real account?

What differences are there?

tanya sir...? itu file .chr apa harus di copy ke profile atau atau tidak usah juga tidak apa apa? "sing mudeng basa londo tulung tranlit no kang"
Multi Advisor based on a modified version of the Martingale system with additional use of the averaging function. Advisor builds a grid of orders group (opens a new position if there was on the previous drawdown) until the closing of all positions at once to profit or breakeven.
Stop Loss is not in use in the system, so certain fixed losses can not be.
A distinctive feature of VelociGrid is that it opens up another new position is not a definite step grid, as is customary with most advisors, and on each new candle if the distance to the previous order is not less than specified in the settings, so each time create a dynamic mesh of warrants .