The results of the jagy_v10 version in the demo account could not be better
Account 2573156
broker Roboforex-DemoPro
paswword investor jagy1234
I imagine that everyone already knows, but just in case I tell you.
It is good that I am an indicator for when there is high impact news for the EA I use the IceFX-Newsinfo
I would advise them to stop trading on Friday nights before the market close as long as this does not represent a loss and to start the EA an hour or two after the opening on Monday.
Withdraw profits once a week and keep the operating balance of the account always the same, so if there is a fall that the robot does not control you will not lose much (in demo account this cannot be done)
This strategy applied to a penny account can be very profitable.
I am posing it like this
My goal is to have 10 cent accounts (with capital between 10 and 100 usd, that depends on each one) and the profits will be delivered to the account's wallet until the amount is interesting,
and if it grows enough, open a whole account, but for that you have to collect a lot of pennies
Remember that you should never use money that you do not have (borrowed) and that what you use you can afford, do not take it away from other more important things to invest.
News indicator settings, configure it to your liking, it is an unprotected trading indicator that works
I invite and encourage you to open an account with my Roboforex associate ID and to anyone who does, I will provide the robot and the sets that I already have.
There is no infallible or perfect system, everything has its risk, the issue is to take the least possible risk