ok take this gift and give me the best result for account with 100usd launch pleasejust another matringale.
Yes, Another Martingala... but not so bad.
Thanks for share
Thank you LucaT, try also Kingle my next post (comes from https://forexkingle.com/ ) 997$ unlimited crackedYes, Another Martingala... but not so bad.
Thanks for share
does it work in real account?Thank you LucaT, try also Kingle my next post (comes from https://forexkingle.com/ ) 997$ unlimited cracked
yes it cost me 300 but not cracked 997 thank you to test and find the best compromize for small account (not 1000eur)does it work in real account?
I do a new post (subject) for kingle (because here it's iscalpingdoes it work in real account?
thank you so muchSarah ın 5 mınutes just found thıs set fıle for 100 dollar ın 6 months %165
ı am workıng on ıt
please post setfile pair and timeFrameSarah ın 5 mınutes just found thıs set fıle for 100 dollar ın 6 months %165
ı am workıng on ıt
and this https://soehoe.id/kingle-ea-unlimited-my-contribution-for-soehoe-id.t11612/This is my review for this thread:
Another martingale...
and this ???? https://soehoe.id/kingle-ea-unlimited-my-contribution-for-soehoe-id.t11612/just another matringale.
I did the test with 7000euros and 0.01 it's ok really goodYes, Another Martingala... but not so bad.
Thanks for share