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Question Indikator Renko

Dody Indra Hermawan

Credit Hunter
Temen-temen klo ada yg punya indikator renko,,,bisa tolong di share di sini,,,makasih
Ane pernah membaca tentang renko chart ini tapi masih belum paham benar
tapi indikator sebagus apapun kadang salah juga yang pake ini perlu waspada juga gak terlalu pede
[QUOTE = "blackking, post: 174 484, member: 14 808"] Ane had read about this chart renko but still has not been understood correctly
but indicators of how good sometimes one also who use it need to be vigilant also not too confident [/ QUOTE] agree, indicators only as the agents of helping us predict the direction the market is just, then the decision remains in us, so use a demo account first and then to account Real if you already believe.