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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion Indikator dan Stragegi sang bakul tahu yang katanya profit up to 400% seminggu

yang sudah coba liatin dong :D
Silahkan gan dicoba sendiri mungkin akan lebih memahami bagaimana baiknya menggunakan indikator ini
kalau ane masih sering trading hanya mengandalkan candlestick price action gan, suka gak fokus pakai indikator
kendalanya gak sabar menungu sinyal, asal masih pake lot 0.01 akun mikro firewoodfx masih aman
Halo kawan2 saya mau share indkator dan strategi bakul tahu. saya dapet dari forum sebelah. katanya profit up to 400 % per week. cuma ini masih manual. ini lengkap semua tinggal download saja. siapa tahu ada yang mau bikinkan eanya. klo berkenan bisa disedot...
indi ini bagus gan tpi hanya keluar singnal sell aja klu boleh kasi fix ini file gan?


SELL Rules:
1. RSI ARROW Down formed
2. The TCCI line is fully red and shaped
sharp curved curve. (not FLAT). 1 candle must
close in red TCCI, we just OP in the next candle).
3. Gold MACD line turns red
4. Indi bars (MACD, STR, EMA) are dominantly red
5. to avoid false signals, a new OP sell is carried out
after 1 candle has closed in the red TCCI area, that means
we just OP in the 2nd candle.
As in the following picture:
Exit when zz / indi kembang appears, close trade (TP)7. Cut loss when the candle reverses & crosses the TCCI.Rule OP Buy... the opposite of the sell rule... basically sell timethe chart is dominantly red & OP Buy when the chartdominant greens.
indicators :
1. TCCI TF H1 setting by default (this is the main indicator working
for OPs)
2. Special RSI setting by default (as a Buy or Sell signal)
3. Gold MACD setting by default (as confirmation/filter)
4. Mmindizag2 - setting by default (As an exit point)
5. Indi kembang (mmindivisual )--setting by default
(functions as exit & signal entry preparation)
6. indi bar consists of MTF MACD, STR, EMA (function
as confirmation).