Wah, coba agan pasang indi-nya di chart, terus lihat apakah saat arrow muncul dia OP atau tdk..sdh FT demo tp belum OP
Ini yg full version-nya ane attach..
Wah, coba agan pasang indi-nya di chart, terus lihat apakah saat arrow muncul dia OP atau tdk..sdh FT demo tp belum OP
Wah, mantap gan.. Agan pake 0.1 di 4 pair dgn modal berapa gan? Soalnya ane pake 1k balance/pair dgn lot 0.01...Lapor, ane pake EA ini hampir 1 bulan. Profit hampir 100%. Modal 2700$cent F*S. Pair EJ, UJ, GJ, GU. Lot 0,03 dan 0,06
Grafik smpet naik turun soalnya ane awalnya nyoba hitman v1+EA lain. Sekarang murni hitman v2.
Hr ini lot tak naikkan 0,1. Modal tak tambah lagi.
Semoga beruntung..
Silakan di cek:
G usah lama2 BT (lamaaaaa bgt)
Om Darwin boleh kasih settingannya yang di Myfxbook....
Dalam setaon 2x mengalami DD lebih dari 300 balance pake settingan yg ane attach ini.. Jadi lebih baik cut loss klo DD sampe 300 balance.. Tapi mungkin ane salah, soalnya kualitas BT ane rendah..This is my review for this thread:
v.3.9 martinya wooow sippp ...buat dana $100 sprtnya cukup ...
When I use it before, I got no problem at Tickmill, ICM, Robo, FBS... sorry, dunno what happen at XM.. (FYI, I didnt use V2.1 anymore, I use V9 now)Hi!
Can anyone recommend a broker for Hitman V2?
A broker for live accounts which offers Nano/Cent accounts an is reliable!
Anyone with good experiences on real accounts on any broker?
Up to now i was trading with XM but they wiped out my real account.
It occured the following problem:
I used to trade on TF 30M. (LE 1,33; TP 7; PS 3 on EJ worked good and safe.)
But once there was set M1 in the background (logfile) and the deposit was gone within a few hours!
I don't know where the problem comes from. XM of course denies any manipulation. Maybe that's a software topic of the Metatrader.
Did anyone experience a similar problem up to now?
Please answer in english...
after news di set 30, artinya 30 menit setelah news dia ga akan OP.. yg pengaruh spread gan, bila spread melar melebihi yg di set, dia ga akan OP..Permisi resa2410 mau tanya
Penjelasan news filter di setting hitman itu gimana lebih jelasnya? Terutama kalo afternews di set 30, kok gamau OP? Apa latency juga pengaruh?