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New EA HitmanV2 - Based on Arrow Signal

Provide me EA MQl4 file to my email, i will really like to help you brother, sure i will help u to optimize EA :)
No Brother, This indicator Give Accurate signals in M1, at least i wan't to say it's avoid many false entry like your arrow indicators giving.. :)

Really? Nice, then I'll start working in it.. About MQL4, sorry, I cant share it, I just afraid someone add something, claim it as its their EA, then sell it.. Its better everyone goes here, and if the idea is good, then I'll fix it, so everyone will get it.. :)
Oay keep it up brother, u can modify EA as i say about arrow Indicator, for more modification u can tell me, or share mql file for optimize EA :)
Oay keep it up brother, u can modify EA as i say about arrow Indicator, for more modification u can tell me, or share mql file for optimize EA :)
Btw, about close all, this EA already have it but only Close All at profit, not close all with loss too.. Beside that, this EA also have "Close Basket"... Logic is : When reverse signal show, EA will check, if all OP (OP's Buy + OP's Sell) is on profit it will close all.. But if not, then only OP's that 1 direction (which in profit) will be close..

For optimizing EA, you can change setting, then do BT.. It can be done without MQL4... :)
Berbeda dari saudaranya HitmanV1 yang berdasarkan signal MA, HitmanV2 ini berdasarkan signal panah.

Feature yg ada :
1. OP berdasarkan arrow signal
2. Close bisa berdasarkan signal ataupun TP. Jika menggunakan TP, maka semua OP mempunyai TP masing-masing.
3. Martingale OP berdasarkan penambahan lot, bukan perkalian
4. OP yang martingale hanya bila OP searah yang sebelumnya, mengalami floating (dengan pipstep yg bisa diatur)
5. Close Basket, yaitu menutup seluruh OP yang searah bila ada signal dan target $ (Reach Money) tercapai
6. Close All Basket, yaitu menutup semua OP (baik OP buy + OP sell) bila ada signal dan Reach Money tercapai

Pengunaan :
1. Masukan "FS30_2014_2.ex4" ke dalam folder "Indicator"
2. Masukan "HitmanV2-FreeVersion.ex4" ke dalam folder "Expert"

EA ini bisa digunakan tuk Real account maupun Demo account. Tidak ada masa expired-nya.

Untuk Pair apa dan TF berapa cocoknya EA ini, silahkan dicoba sendiri... :)

Catatan : Bila di BT akan lambat, karena menggunakan "Custom Indicator" bukan bawaan MT4..

Different from his brother HitmanV1 that based on MA signal, this HitmanV2 is based on arrow signal.

Available Feature :
1. OP by arrow signal
2. Close or TP could be based signal. If using TP, then each OP have their own TP.
3. If SL activated, then each OP have their own SL.
3. Martingale OP is based on the addition of the lot, not multiplication
4. Martingale OP only executed when previous OP have negative floating (pipstep can be adjust)
5. Close Basket, which closes all OP on 1 direction if there's signal and if target $ (Reach Money) is reached
6. Close All Basket, which closes all OP (both OP OP buy + sell) if there's signal and if Reach Money reached.

User guide :
1. Put "FS30_2014_2.ex4" into "Indicator" folder
2. Put "HitmanV2-FreeVersion.ex4" into "Expert" folder

The EA can be used for real account or Demo account Real account. There is no expiration date.

For what pair and what time frame that fits for this EA, please try yourself... :)

Note : If you do BT it will be slow, because this EA using "Custom Indicator" not standard MT4 Indicator..


Silahkan dicoba.. :D
ijin donlot gan, thq...
Coba ft pake akun reall dr kmrn , posisi floting buy 6 step
reach money ideal diiisi brapa biar ga kelamaan floting minus
Kalau diperkirakan dari logikanya mestinya tidak akan terfloating terlalu jauh ... ini maksimal cuma tingkat 4. Sepertinya perlu lot besar biar terasa kena nya .
Tf 15


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Versi terakhir, Hitman-V2.1 :
1. Penambahan Exponent (martingale perkalian)
Jika "Use Exponent" di set true, maka "increment" diabaikan dan diganti dengan "lot exponent"
2. Penambahan hedging
kalau ada OP berlawanan terfloating x pips sesuai yg di set, maka OP searah tidak akan ditutup, dan hanya bisa close dgn Close All at Profit
3. Penambahan Money Management
Supaya bisa auto compound
4. Penambahan Reverse Signal
OP berdasarkan signal yg dibalik
5. Penambahan account monitoring

Jika ada yg mau berbaik hati untuk donasi, ane terima dengan senang hati.. :inlove:


Mantap mas, bs dijelaskan yg point ke 2, apa lbh aman drpd versi sebelumya jk harga trending dgn sdikit koreksi
Mantap mas, bs dijelaskan yg point ke 2, apa lbh aman drpd versi sebelumya jk harga trending dgn sdikit koreksi
Ada kekurangan juga kelebihannya gan.. Kelebihannya, dia bisa menjadi pengunci.. Jadi klo misalnya sdh 6 OP buy, terus terfloating 50 pips (misal sesuai yg di setting 50 pips) antara OP BUY1 dan OP BUY6 , maka setiap OP Sell tdk akan di close.. Dia close apabila OP Buy + OP Sell = Profit..
Kekurangannya, bila spt contoh tadi, OP Sell tdk akan close bila harga bergerak ke bawah walau sdh profit.. Klo harga bergerak ke atas sehingga OP sell dalam posisi minus, baru dia OP sell lagi..

Jadi fungsinya seperti pengunci.. Ini lebih aman, hanya saja artinya profit akan berkurang.. :)
Ane coba FT demo hari ini dengan lot awal 0.05. sudah clear...mantab mas. Kira2 kalau lot awal 0.01 dan penambahan lot 0.01 berapa modal amannya ya mas? Pengen coba di akun standart.hehe....
Ane coba FT demo hari ini dengan lot awal 0.05. sudah clear...mantab mas. Kira2 kalau lot awal 0.01 dan penambahan lot 0.01 berapa modal amannya ya mas? Pengen coba di akun standart.hehe....
Kurang tau amannya berapa gan.. Soalnya BT-nya luama buanget.. :D
Klo di TF H1, kayaknya klo 0.01 lot trus kena floating 100 pips cuman minus (0.01 lot x $10/pips x 100 pips =) $10. Tapi di BT dulu aja gan.. :D
Coba yg versi terakhir aja gan, lebih lengkap.. :)