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Tutorial Guide to forex news trading

Saya menemukan bahwa perdagangan dengan fundamental adalah cara perdagangan yang paling menantang. Tidak mudah untuk belajar trading dengan cara ini jika Anda tidak memiliki pengetahuan ekonomi yang kuat secara umum. Inilah sebabnya mengapa trader baru lebih fokus pada metode perdagangan lain yang lebih didasarkan pada analisis teknis
Gua rasa lu nggak bisa belajar trading dari berita cuma dengan baca panduan. Metode trading ini rumit banget dan perlu pengetahuan ekonomi plus analisis teknis. Gua rasa metode ini nggak bagus buat pemula, ini buat trader profesional
Discipline in trading is must. Most of the Forex traders forget to trade with proper discipline such as – do not maintain time, don’t work hard don’t learn about trading properly etc. Those create problems in trading. Forex4you is my credible broker in Forex market and I am trading excellent by the support of my broker. They give me expert’s assistance and proper trading facilities such as wide range of deposit bonus etc.
Trading dengan menggunakan analisa fundamental memang tidak semudah dalam teori, dalam prakteknya memerlukan penilitian mendalam terkait pada kondisi negara dan kerentanan terhadap berita, ini memang sangat menarik karena fundamental negara menentukan jangka panjang akan nilai mata uangnya juga
There are a lot of people who make huge profit from forex market. If anyone works hard with great patience and techniques, he can make good money. I trade with Forex4you. They help me to make profit from my trade. The market is very risky. So, a broker like them can also help a trader to recover loss and gain profit. Their trading style pleased me. I love them because of their strategy and features. With the help of them forex become my only profession.
It is very important while we are trading in Forex market to reduce our emotions and not be greedy because greed makes us fail to make profit and we get loss. So, if we can trade without being greedy we can surely minimize our trading loss. I am working wonderfully with my broker Tpglobalfx’s expert guideline. They also give promotional offers such as bonus, Share4you service and others and those are really very good.
It is very important while we are trading in Forex market to reduce our emotions and not be greedy because greed makes us fail to make profit and we get loss. So, if we can trade without being greedy we can surely minimize our trading loss. I am working wonderfully with my broker Tpglobalfx’s expert guideline. They also give promotional offers such as bonus, Share4you service and others and those are really very good.

Share4you? Is it a Forex broker or a stock trading broker? I don't hear much about this company around Southeast Asia. Tell me more about this company, please.
Forex news trading involves making decisions based on economic reports, central bank announcements, or geopolitical events. Focus on major events like interest rate decisions, GDP reports, and employment data. It's crucial to stay updated, interpret the news quickly, and manage risk to avoid unexpected volatility.