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[QUOTE = "ferth, post: 349501, membro: 65183"] Como não funciona com muitos corretores, comecei a usá-lo no Tickmill em uma conta ECN de US $ 500, comecei a abrir operações hoje, esse AE é muito conservador e vejo que, embora demore muito tempo para abrir posições, o faz com muito cuidado. Vamos ver como ele continua se comportando no restante da semana. [/ QUOTE]

Boa tarde guerreiro vi que vc eh brasileiro, pode me ajudar estou tenstando testar na FBS demo e nao estou conseguindo fazer abrir ordens....... sepoder me ajudar agradeço de coração
any1 tested in real account?or is it like surfmarket and waygrow,works perfect with demo and fail with real?
It is in you to try in real, that is the bad thing, in the world of trading very few risk to commercialize in real that we call it PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR, no robot is 100% profitable, sometimes they have good days and bad days, however Of so many BOTs that I have tried in the 6 years that I have been in trading I can tell you that this bot is more conservative and does not open operations without a prior analysis in its logic, there are people who pay up to $ 3000 for a bot and they are the least that publish an investor account to show that it works, a bot will not make you a millionaire overnight, it takes time and above all a lot of patience, if a bot has an 80% return on DEMO a month, I could tell you that In REAL it would have between 60% to 65% monthly, I repeat, it is in you to try in real. Regards
It is in you to try in real, that is the bad thing, in the world of trading very few risk to commercialize in real that we call it PSYCHOLOGICAL FEAR, no robot is 100% profitable, sometimes they have good days and bad days, however Of so many BOTs that I have tried in the 6 years that I have been in trading I can tell you that this bot is more conservative and does not open operations without a prior analysis in its logic, there are people who pay up to $ 3000 for a bot and they are the least that publish an investor account to show that it works, a bot will not make you a millionaire overnight, it takes time and above all a lot of patience, if a bot has an 80% return on DEMO a month, I could tell you that In REAL it would have between 60% to 65% monthly, I repeat, it is in you to try in real. Regards

:giggle: say us 1 month from now in real, then i believe you but i doubt :lipssealed:
trust me i help save your money, it lose me 2 days in real i do not trust demo
tell me last 2 days trading you win ? cos my real lost bad on different pairs same,
i am ICM and fast VPS
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:giggle: say us 1 month from now in real, then i believe you but i doubt :lipssealed:
trust me i help save your money, it lose me 2 days in real i do not trust demo
tell me last 2 days trading you win ? cos my real lost bad on different pairs same,
i am ICM and fast VPS
Friend, you write as if you were selling the BOT, I publish it for free and everyone is responsible for using it in DEMO or REAL, in my case, if I used it in real, I wouldn't mind publishing any results, because most say the results are false, So you want to verify even the broker's password, you can see if you use it or not, the bot is in the first publication is all yours, greetings
Friend, you write as if you were selling the BOT, I publish it for free and everyone is responsible for using it in DEMO or REAL, in my case, if I used it in real, I wouldn't mind publishing any results, because most say the results are false, So you want to verify even the broker's password, you can see if you use it or not, the bot is in the first publication is all yours, greetings
i tell you only to save your money, u want use thats up to you, just trying to help
I feel like it will fail in a real account due to the fact that almost all trades are closed in a matter of seconds. The execution on a real account would kill it
i test it on real account, 100 usd tickmill PRO, this EA cant read commission, so when it close my position just about 0.01USD , with commision 0.06 USD, my profit become -0.05,
this EA close many orders like that, so the accumlation of commission so huge..
Anyone know how to setfile so this EA can close order above 0.06 USD?