ok i give you the investor password then can you see self
accountnumber 1853588
investor passsword FMXmrj
servername Activtrades-Demo
happy trading
Thank you for sharing
My friend please settings and pairs
ok i give you the investor password then can you see self
accountnumber 1853588
investor passsword FMXmrj
servername Activtrades-Demo
happy trading
use the Set file from Modiyed ornder in the winrar fileMy friend please settings and pairs
i have tested severals EA's on this demo
there was not so good i have disable all other
@28.05.2019 run only more the Generic TLP EA
with a accoutn ballance from 203€
use the Set file from Modiyed ornder in the winrar file
only the pairs wehre give it setfiles
change the Risk from 10 to 5 or lower
Setting is all setfile to M15 ?
Yes it is unlimited for Demo , backtest and live.is it unlimited version can it work in real and demo and backtest
in strategy tester m15 eurchf very few trades are opened..in last 3 years