last 10 days was great ! old version ,max DD 30% ,max trade pairs 6, set up 28 + gold,stoch 20,3,7 . recomended lot size < 0.01 /200$,...good luck
Hai, May i ask you some question?
1. You recommend lot size <0.01/$200. But i saw in your screenshot the minimum lot is 1 lot. Is it need $20000 in deposit?
Which one is correct.. <0.01/$200 or >0.01/$200?
2. In your screenshot, balance in 30.4.2019 get in $200, then get out $200 too at the same day. Are you trade without balance in 1.5.2019? How it could be?
3. Your setting for 28pair+XauUsd, could you share it with us here (stoc 20,3,7 TF m5, max trade 6? used for Xau too)?
4. Virtual pipstep setting for Xau, could you share it here please?
Broker IcMarket, tipe account? (sorry i mention the broker name, no promotion purpose, just to make sure it can get the same/exact result) leverage 1:500? If any further question, please assist me.. Tq b4. Sorry for my bad english