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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion Free Backtesting Service Data Quality 99.90%

Profitable 55
  • Hi gan, mohon bantuannya utk backtesting Ea berikut:

    TF: M1
    Balance: 10.000
    Start hour: 00:00
    End hour: 23:00
    Target Percentage: 10000
    Lot Exponen: 1.33
    Lot: 0.03
    Take profit: 50 (broker 5 digit)
    Pips Step:100 (broker 5 digit)
    Max Trade: 15
    Lainnya default aja

    Tolong dibacktest utk position:
    -long & short
    -long only
    -short only

    klo ga sempet ya long & short aja gan :)

    Sebelumnya thanks bgt ya gan
    ini gan hasilnya, yg profitable hanya "short only"

    Profitable 56
    BALANCE :300
    SPREAD 0.3
    i give you three different result,
    first thing is, are you sure can find broker with spread 0,3 pips ? guaranted with no widen spread, requote and etc?
    this result for spread 0.3 pips is good, but think it again,
    i give you another result with spread 1.4 pips and 2.0 pips
    here it is:
