Sudah terima Gan, terima kasih banyak, PR ane cari settingan yg bagus kayaknya (atau cari EA yg bagus) hehehhebelajartrading
hasilnya sudah saya emailkan, apakah sudah diterima emailnya?
Ya gan. Thanks gan brekz1
Sudah terima Gan, terima kasih banyak, PR ane cari settingan yg bagus kayaknya (atau cari EA yg bagus) hehehhe
Thanks, try only on EURUSD M5
Thanks Brekz
hadew... masih belum ketemu yang bagus ..
im sorry,Could you help me test the EA?
Pair EU
TF: M15
Spread 20
Here it is! Thanks a lot!im sorry,
this is build 765++, i cant help make backtest
if you have mq4 file, please compile with metaeditor 765
this is download link:
or here
or here
after that, please reupload the EA![]()
Could you help me again ? with initial deposit is 10k$ and using the attached file!