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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

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gan untuk yg ini gak bisa bantu, kalo compile pake metaeditor build terbaru tidak ada errornya sama sekali
tapi kalau compile pake metaeditor 765 ada 22 error:
Ok trims Gan ... saya juga gak paham mengenai errornya ini EA dapat nyomot dari forum orang
This is my review for this thread:
Thread yg paling bermanfaat. Sangat2 membantu para newbie biar gak asal beli EA yg banyak dijual di luar
Mr. Brekz1 i wanna ask you something about all ea you already tested.

1st of all, thank you cause do this thread.

The question is :

Which one expert advisor you think can help us to used on real account?

Please give us 5 suggestion ( if can )

Thanks in advanve.
Mr. Brekz1 i wanna ask you something about all ea you already tested.

1st of all, thank you cause do this thread.

The question is :

Which one expert advisor you think can help us to used on real account?

Please give us 5 suggestion ( if can )

Thanks in advanve.
im sorry, i dont know, because i dont test all robot on demo or live account
you can start test all robot that on threadmarks on demo first