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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion Free Backtesting Service Data Quality 99.90%

Hi Brekz
I can't view ur any posting
when i saw ur old posting in Alerts section its look like as in attached file
& i cant saw ur new post
is because you "ignore" me

maybe you accidentaly hit that button
see picture below


  • screenshot-soehoe.com 2016-03-18 13-35-04.png
    screenshot-soehoe.com 2016-03-18 13-35-04.png
    186.4 KB · Views: 200
Thank u Brekz
Yes I accidentally hit that button
I remove from ignore list
Now i can see ur post

Please make backtest of the last version of XMT-Scalper with this preset
Pair: EURUSD M1, spread 14

Try also with preset (Set_2) and spread 8

Hi, here are your BT.. :)
But i have very big doubts, if it would work in real.
And all depends on the spread, as you can see dramatically in example 2 + 3 which is the same, but with Spread 8 and Spread 14 . :think:
Common Parameters: Equity 10k, M1, October 2015 till now:

Set1: Spread: 14
StrategyTester set1 EU M1 5month P20k 151001 - 160311.jpg

Set2 Spread: 14

StrategyTester set2 spread8 EU M1 5month P253k 151001 - 160311.jpg

Set2, Spread: 14
StrategyTester set2 spread14 EU M1 5month P18k 151001 - 160311.jpg
TF : M30
Balance : 10.000
Setting : setfile 1&2
Period : 2011-2015 (5 tahun)
makasi om, tuh ea seharga $3000 di mql5 om, itu full vers. Tapi blum yg terbaru, tapi kayakx hampir sama aja deh hasilx kalo settx benar, buat tman2 trader bisa nyobain sensasix, salam profit
can it open trade on demo account? is yes, you can use EA copier to live account
Itu full vers om, tpi runx di 902 920, smoga tman2 sukses menggunakan eax, mudah2an aja brokerx gak nakal
Aha... This is what I mean Brekz1.
A good analysis, where I'm sure most newbie just see a graph that's going up (such as martingale) without considering other factors that you mention on the above.

Excellent tips.
Hi NeoBatavia

1) i dont know how to know whether its scam EA or not
2) i dont said if Algo is scam EA

my comment for Umesh is to warning us,
if evaluate the EA just base on final balance, its dangerous,
if we always act like this, we will ends on scam EA,
atleast there are some factor need to be concern.

what points need to be considered is i have already post that.

lets talk about Algo,
see RD, its about 50%, Loss trade 65%, avg.consecutive wins, avg.consecutive loss, max.consecutive loss
i will not put this on demo or live account
but maybe different setting give better result
this is why i dont say that Algo is scam EA

see the result below, i just change one parameter, its give RD and DD just 10%
but still have bad avg.consecutive wins, avg.consecutive loss, and loss trade 47%
the result is drop from millions dollars to just around 5000 for 5 years test with start balance 1000
try first on demo
Om klo bisa mnta tolong cariin settx biar lebih save, acuanx pngujianx 5 taon, kalo omx gak sibuk aja, hehehhe ngarep
sorry to anyonfor very slow reply, because browser problem, actually im using opera but its like scramble egg, cant read post, cant reply post,
now im using internet explorer is suckss, very slow, i think for using mozila but its consume my memory alot

maybe any moderator or admin have solution for my problem?
please help @Trad
ooo shit happen, im sorry, this is situation i had, see picture below


  • screenshot-soehoe.com 2016-03-18 22-36-43.png
    screenshot-soehoe.com 2016-03-18 22-36-43.png
    212.7 KB · Views: 190
kenapa mas brekz1 ?
gini mas Abas,
tiba2 hari ini mulai dari siang atau menjelang sore brows opera saya mulai ngawur, tapilan website soehoenya jadi acak kadut, saya jadi susah baca post apalagi melakukan reply postingan, gk ada kolom ngisi replynya, sekarang saya pkai internet explorer, tapi tampilannya juga agak gimana gitu ya, sedangkan kalo saya pake mozila menghabiskan resource memory saya, gambar acak kadutnya seperti yg saya posting di atas, mas abas ada opera gak? apakah bermasalah seperti saya akses ke soehoenya?
karena ke website lainya normal semua

oiy titipan mas abas 6 biji lagi kelar hehehe