ini hasilnyatolong ini gan modal 1000
ini hasilnyatolong ini gan modal 1000
maksih mas ,,,bantuanyaini hasilnya
ini hasilnyayg ini mas broww
im sorry i dont know, i cant help you any further.thank you. in your opinion what does this error? program malfunctions? There are other 5 robots, always asami. after I put these 5 robot controls. ok?
sorry i cant help you, result is useless, so many so crazy alot of error: OrderModify error 1here is ea robot asami, are great
do two tests: not martilanga and martilanga (change settings)
Not martilanga:
TakeProfit: 20
Lot: 0.01
Multiplier: 1.0
PipStepBuy: 20
PipStepSell: 20
3000€ or 5000€
tf 5m
TakeProfit: 5
Lot: 0.01
Multiplier: 1.3
PipStepBuy: 20
PipStepSell: 20
1000€ or 3000€ or 5000€
tf 5m
untuk setfile: SoeHoe.ID_waygrow 1.8 eurusd woooow.set tidak ada hasilnyamas tolonng btkan spread 2pip 2015 2016 2014
maksih mas bantuanya
ini hasilnyaSiang Om
Bisa tolong Di BT EA ini
Lots : 0.02
Modal : $500
no result on three pairgu UE h1 UJ 200 $
this is no result toogu UE Uj and other pair that you can try... 200$ tfm15..
thank yousorry i cant help you, result is useless, so many so crazy alot of error: OrderModify error 1