here the result,Eu Uj 5m ... grazie
Crazy Scalper v1.11MM not work
2016.08.24 18:05:36.484 2014.01.01 00:00 Cannot call 'crazyscalper.dll::SetWindowHandle', 'crazyscalper.dll' is not loaded
here the result,Eu Uj 5m ... grazie
here the resultEu Uj gu 1m.. 100 $ ..Low spread... Thanks
EA dont open order.Please Test this ea on EUR/USD, GBP/USD,USD/JPY
Any Amount , 5tF
lgsg upload EAnya dsini gan, dan lengkapi syarat equest seperti di post nomor 1 halaman 1.
set default, modal 2000 $
here the resultCan u test this EA TF 5min EURUSD spreed 1:1000 Lot 0.01 ballance 200USD
plz thanks
Have a safe journeyOut of service Until 5 September 2016
But i need test one more EA ,when u come backhere the result
sir test this ea
TF : M5
lot o.1
deposit: 100$
Iya pakBanyak kali ea yang ditawarkan yang menunggu antrian untuk ditest, bagi yang suka gunakan dan mencoba ea bisa mengambil satu ea dan test selama beberapa bulan dan dibagikan, ane menonton saja gak punya vps
This seems to work. Enjoy it.Hello,
can someone fix the indicator "FFCal" used for BBQ EA ? Because indicator have a error in code and EA BBQ don't load it.