saya punya data untuk EURUSD spread terendah 0.3 pipsEUR/USD gan.
kalo mau request spread tertentu juga boleh gak masalah selama datanya saya punya.
saya punya data untuk EURUSD spread terendah 0.3 pipsEUR/USD gan.
oke. kalau begitu tolong test kan EA ini gan, pakai modal 100$ spread 0.5 timeframe h1, backtest dari tahun 2015. kalau misalkan lama, dari awal 2016 juga tidak apa2. settingannya default saja.saya punya data untuk EURUSD spread terendah 0.3 pips
kalo mau request spread tertentu juga boleh gak masalah selama datanya saya punya.
Actually it is not a text file. There is no clear text. I post an image of a small part of a hexdump of it. You can see that the bytes at the sides an in the middle are very similar. Maybe data is stored in blocks of 8 bytes. Bytes 1 and 8 are the structure. Bytes 2-7 are the contents. But I do not think it will be worth to bother about that. If the author does not explain, I say it is a curious what inside the text file. Can you partially copy and paste here what inside that file? No need all inside, just partially. Or maybe upload the file here?
gak ada hasilnya gan, karena ada error saat BToke. kalau begitu tolong test kan EA ini gan, pakai modal 100$ spread 0.5 timeframe h1, backtest dari tahun 2015. kalau misalkan lama, dari awal 2016 juga tidak apa2. settingannya default saja.
i dont know what your point, but its sound good, good luckOK . I SEE [HASHTAG]#2289[/HASHTAG] post
Time conclusions
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The conclusion from all this is the best experts in the best interest and ensure real account Quality 99.90% tes passed
Be in the form of ONE (1) post herer
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Thanks all
ini hasilnya gan
ini hasilnya ganMaaf gan brekz1 ,menyusahkan lagi..
ini lagi ane minta tolong bt..
Modal: 200
risk: 2
timeframe: H1
pair: eu,gu,ej dan egbp
Thanks for the screenshot, interestingActually it is not a text file. There is no clear text. I post an image of a small part of a hexdump of it. You can see that the bytes at the sides an in the middle are very similar. Maybe data is stored in blocks of 8 bytes. Bytes 1 and 8 are the structure. Bytes 2-7 are the contents. But I do not think it will be worth to bother about that. If the author does not explain, I say it is a scam.
no, limited to build 765 and under.Is this bactest can be done on latest mt4?
this is build 765++, i cant help make backtestEu 1m ..100usd.. thanks
gan, boleh cuba di timeframe H1?ini hasilnya gan
boleh gan, ini hasilnyagan, boleh cuba di timeframe H1?