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Suggestion Forex Killer

It was work very well in widowes 7 & 8 and after update windowes 10 it does not work not activition , I do not know why ? please can enyone help and this is my video in arabic lang. how to trade with forex killer in live an account .
Please help who to active it was work but in windows 10 not work .
Mungkin ini seperti permintaan agan Catur Putranto mungkin ini yang agan maksud silahkan gan, untuk aktifasi tinggal input program key dari Forex Killer 4.12.exe dan paste kan aja ke programkey di keygennya. copy aktivasi kodenya
semoga bermanfaat

Os windows yng kompatibel versi berapa ya, soalnya sy pke win 10 crackannya ngga bisa, mohon pencerahannya. Makasih
It was work very well in widowes 7 & 8 and after update windowes 10 it does not work not activition , I do not know why ? please can enyone help and this is my video in arabic lang. how to trade with forex killer in live an account .
Please help who to active it was work but in windows 10 not work .

I found the solution to activate the program
The number from the keygen,
for example 1234 , add +1 = 1235 or -1 = 1233

good luck for everbody


Hi, this software work on win7 32bit... if you have problem on win 10 you can install VM(virtual machine) and install win 7 32 bit... it work perfect.
but i dont how work ... is it profitable or not...???