Hi love your EA Tactic can I try them please [email protected]
Hi Andy4Rum.
Am I correct in stating that the EA will automatically put in a buy/sell order once the blue/red arrow appears? (provided buy/sell orders is enabled).
I could watch on my own and manually put in a trade once an arrow appears?
Yes, that's right! Once you get an alert and arrow - trade will be opened automatically. Original version has 2 tardes on full auto, than you need to
click on Next but/sell again to make it green. The v.2 that I send you soon (on the way to computer yet) - it has full auto, but better to limit it by
filters like time etc... to avoid clear and cycle trading... I made a note on page 82
Sure, will reply all today.
Hi all,
done witj all requests + slowly fill the v.3 update list
Have a great upcoming week!
Origianl version is available. As for update (v.2 with full auto, all new options, backtest etc) - that was my private request, I paid
for these modifications. That was my little contribution. But I share this version free with those traders who want to try it instead
of original one and simply like the idea. I keep it private and don't want to spread everywhere.
I'm working on new corrections for v.3 by now.
This is my review for this thread:
ulasan sya untuk anda
The use of Lot2X is not a good way to increase profit. If the last trade was a loss, what makes the EA thinks that the next trade will be a win and justify 2X lot size?
A better way to do is this as an example: (I don't know the strategy of FiboActive, so I cannot suggest any improvement).
Let say you have an EA that use RSI 30 and 70 as oversold/overbought. if RSI goes to 80, then it is extreme overbought and justify lot 2X( or goes to 20 for extreme oversold). This has a higher probability of a win. This method makes more sense than just relying on the last trade to increase lot size.
Buttons are only red, I can not make green