HiHi Andy4Rum,
Could you share the mq4 file to be able to edit the code (I ask you because I don't find it in the website)? I would like to add:
1-Editable Magic No. Now it is fixed and sometimes it is useful to change it.
2-Add days & time filter. You only have times now and it useful to be able to setup time for each day.
3-Push notifications. Now it works with alerts only and it's great to have push so that you can get notified in the phone when a signal ocurrs to be able to review it and make decisions if not in auto mode.
4-Maybe other things like: multiplier instead of lot2x, martingale option, etc.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Sorry, I dont have the source. I just ask for update directly
Thanks for ideas, I asked to modify latest version after testing,
these notes sounds well to me
Good morning Andy.
I have a doubt.
Any version of Fibobot, disconnects when it makes 2 stops?
I explain: When doing for a second stop, the EA is deactivated and is sleeping?
Thanks Andy, yes, I received the "NEW" version.Hi
Original version allows 2 trades (one buy/one sell) and than you need to activate it again.
I use to share full auto version (after activation, it wont go off) with few other options, which
are quite useful (at least for me).
Did you get full auto version from me?
Original can be simply downloaded on page with its video and guide, shared it in the past:
>Full source with VIDEO and details: http://www.eliteit4u.com/fab1.htm
>(clear download link - and full explanations)
Do i need to open manually trades? Or the ea will do it for me?
Hi Andy.
Is the EA version on your site the full version? do you send to email something other than I can download from your site?
Original version allows just few trades on auto and need to be activated for other trades again.
I got a speciag version (full auto) with many extra options and share it by personal demands.
Original version allows just few trades on auto and need to be activated for other trades again.
I got a speciag version (full auto) with many extra options and share it by personal demands.
hi andy can you tchek MP please thxHi
Original version allows just few trades on auto and need to be activated for other trades again.
I got a speciag version (full auto) with many extra options and share it by personal demands.
Original version allows just few trades on auto and need to be activated for other trades again.
I got a speciag version (full auto) with many extra options and share it by personal demands.
Original version allows just few trades on auto and need to be activated for other trades again.
I got a speciag version (full auto) with many extra options and share it by personal demands.