Hi, Andy! Would you Please send me a full version FAB to [email protected]
Thank you advance.
Thank you advance.
My bad just received it have a nice day
I really need can you send to me plz brother [email protected]Great!
Will answer all requets very soon,
have a nice weekend
Should i use filters at all times?
Do you have any recommended settings? Thanks
Hi Andy4Rum ,
Thank you for all your support and generosity.
I kindly also ask you for your full version. I wrote you a message with my email address.
thank you very much
I don't use it, quite rare. Most important thing is to check signals before you start trading.
I do 5 pairs normally, BUT chose 1-3 pairs with the best past signals (each day). It helps a
lot to avoid false signals.
Filter reduces a lot of good signals, it leaves just really in TREND ones. But I like to get a bit
Tnx for tips you have shared with us.
Can you share the full auto version plzzz [email protected] you are the best!you are welcome, mate
did you find out anything by yourself?
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