Thanks for you explain... What is diffrent original version and updated version?
Updated version is FULL AUTO (you can manage it) + allows backtesting. Current version (v.2) has following options:
B1 Part:
Start time: time to allow auto trading
End Time: time to stop trading
Monday-Friday: chose true to enable/false to disable trading on exact day
Note: you need to set MT4 time (check Market watch).
B2 Part:
XMove: true to enable option/false to disable option
XPips: set the pips move from the signal alert
ExpiriedBars: if price wont touch this limit order - it will be deleted in X bars period.
Note: let me show you an example. If you enabled XMove option and set XPips as 5, ExpiriedBars as 3. It means that if you get BUY order, you will see BUY limit XPips (5 Pips) below the signal price. If price wont touch that level and keep going up - than after ExpiriedBars (3) this limit order will be cancelled.
B3 Part:
Lot: lot size volume
TakeProift: target Take Profit in Pips
StopLoss: target Stop Loss in Pips
B4 Part:
FiboTP: if you enable this option, your TP and SL will be flexible and based on Market
COS: close order on opposite signal option. Set true to enable option.
Lot2X: this version allow to increase lot size after loss trade
Filter: if you enabled filter - all trades will be filtered by trend filter (you will see it visually)
SpreadFilter: it has 10 by default. If you set 4 - than max spread 4 is allowed.
B5 Part:
TrailingSL: true to enable option/false to disable option
TrailingSLStart: start level for 1st move
TrailingSLLevel: distance between price and 1st move
Example: if you set SLstart 5, SLlevel 7 = than at +12 Pips (sl start + sl level), SL moves to SL start (+5 Pips) and follow the price on 7 Pips distance.
B6 Part:
OnAlert: enable alert
PushNotification: enable push notification
MagicNumber: set your own magic number if needed to identify the trade
ExpertComment: FAB by default, but you can use ANY or even leave it empty