Where can I find the Action Gold robot for real-time demo?Euro Smart Free version... fix lots only 0.01.. works on real account and unlimted
bisa di gunakan seumur hidup di akun real... gratis loh
- Symbols: EURUSD.
- Timeframe: M5.
- Minimum deposit: $100.
- Account type: ECN.
- StopLevel = 0.
- Account currency: USD.
- Low spreads + low commission + high quality execution are important when choosing a broker to trade.
Broker remomended: LMAX dan ducascopy VIP
- Risk – lot size based on the maximum risk per trade (full version only)
- ManualLot – manual lot size if Risk<0 (full version only)
- DistancePO – distance between buystop with sellstop (full version only)
- TrailingStart – start trailing profit from as so many pips
- TrailingStep – step trailing from as so many pips
- TrailingStop – stop trailing from as so many pips
- TralingModif – start trailing modification from as so many pips
- Stoploss – StopLoss order
- Takeprofit –TakeProfit order
- LockProfit – lock profit
- Magic – trade number identifier (full version only)
Download here : Eurosmartfree.ex4
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Does not adhere to the EURUSD letter, would decopilarhere