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1. Suggestion to make MM in Percent
  • Hello Soe, is it possible to make one function in this EA? I think it could be good to have some value to increasing/decreasing MM by %. Now, when i set MM=true so MM make by itself size of position. I would like to tell to MM to open a little different size of position.

    For example: Now I have account with 10000 cent and MM start with 0.25 lots. I want to start with 0.35 or 0.29 lots. Now it's not possible to do it, I think. I can start with 0.35 but with MM=false but it's now what I want.

    Is't clear?
    2. hasil duet EA YKFN dengan EA SM Profit
  • ss.JPG

    hasil duet maut YKFN dengan SMprofit dengan modal 5000 di tickmill, karena tickmil ga ada akun cent jadi saya buat lotnya seakan-akan saya pakai akun cent.
    itu belum ada satu bulan ya, sudah 100%. jadi kalau misal direal dan ingin di WD tinggal matikan aja dulu EA nya dan cut loss semua aja. kemudian ulangi dari awal