serius kah? masak iya semudah itu bisa dapat aktifasi??isi aj nama min 6 karakter lalu pass ma no hpmu ndri,.. nanti nunggu aktivasi,.. baru bisa jalan ea nya
serius kah? masak iya semudah itu bisa dapat aktifasi??isi aj nama min 6 karakter lalu pass ma no hpmu ndri,.. nanti nunggu aktivasi,.. baru bisa jalan ea nya
Ijin downlot gan....
silakan gan.....ijin download.... newi di forum ini
di broker ijo .... msh dalam tahap pengujiansaya pakai di broker ijo kok malah minus $95 ya masta
apa ada setingan aman dan opit masta trimks.
belum ada yang ngejawabcoba BT kok sell melulu..ndak pernah Buy...apanya y salah ya, versi premium juga malah di kasih warning " EA scalping ndak perlu di BT..."
okey makasih masta di tunggu uji cobanya di broker ijodi broker ijo .... msh dalam tahap pengujian
sebagai catatan;
1. cek spreadnya. apakah spreadnya dibawah 10 pips ( 5 digit)
2. coba cek lantence nya di vps, jika lantence-nya kecil maka makin bagus, dan jika lantecenya besar maka hasilnya tidak maksimal (malah bisa lose)
What is your experience with FXRich? They didn't pay you your profit?lah iya om,fxrich emang ampun dah scam banget tuh
banyak temen2 gak dibayar profitnya,kasian
so many news fxrich broker does not pay benefit traders, their accounts blocked unilaterally by fxrich.What is your experience with FXRich? They didn't pay you your profit?
But I opened account without bonuses and I am not from Indonesia. Did they pay you first deposit back?so many news fxrich broker does not pay benefit traders, their accounts blocked unilaterally by fxrich.
I myself experienced the same thing, my account already profit of 1000% but now already blocked his mt4.
now there is no payment of fxrich, the deposit has not been paid, the benefits are also unpaid.But I opened account without bonuses and I am not from Indonesia. Did they pay you first deposit back?
And what are theirs arguments? They doesn't want to pay you back nothing? I understand when broker block some account. But finally he has to pay minimal you first deposit there is no payment of fxrich, the deposit has not been paid, the benefits are also unpaid.
My advice while not trading in fxrich