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Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

[QUOTE = "rian_fx, post: 4102, member: 15"] sy try on blue brokers ... ** ta

in brokers tickmill .... the result is disappointing (mgkn setting is blom pas) : wasntme:[/ QUOTE]
Cara Kerja EA Waygrow :
Cara kerja EA nya cukup simpel.. dia akan menunggu momen dimana terjadi pergerakan harga yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding harga-harga yang bergerak sebelumnya. kemudian dia membuka pending order dengan StopLoss yang sangat dekat dengan harga dan dengan trailing yang tipis

1. Pada Broker yang Spread rendah.
Usahakan Spread dibawah 1 pip. Ini penting dan sangat utama, karena EA melakukan Scalping dengan cepat dan SL sangat rendah lebih kurang 3 pips. :)

2. Broker dgn StopLevel yang rendah, setidaknya 3 pips
3, Broker yang benar-benar Allow Scalping tanpa syarat tambahan misalnya syarat waktu
4. Broker yang No Requote dan memiliki delay transaksi yang rendah..
5. Timeframe 1 menit dan 5 menit
6. Pair EU n GU (boleh dicoba di pair laen jg)
7. Pasang di VPS super cepat dengan dedicated RAM, server Eropa. dan Latencynya harus sekecil mungkin.
info mencerahkan
wait for a moment where there is a relatively faster price movements compared to prices that move before. then he opened a pending order with StopLoss which is very close to the price and with a thin trailing
nice way to profit.!!!
Sering bgt nemuin EA bagus bgt saat BT pas terjun di REAL beda padahal sett sama saat BT yg di pake contohnya ea ini, knp ya?
Hi, thank you for the EA, it's quite good - currently i'm running it on ICMarkets Demo account, ECN for faster execution and lower spreads, but it look's like the commissions are going to eat a huge chunk out of the profit, and by the looks of it, it opens a trade, hits the SL pretty fast, but re-enters again, hitting the SL again. I had 4 trades yesterday, on AUDUSD in a few minutes span, all hit SL.

I'm thinking about increasing the filter, so there wouldn't be as many trades, and the signal would be stronger.
Also, I launched the test with 7 key figure pairs : AUDUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD, USDJPY and USDCHF.
If it's any worth, i'll share the results i get, and perhaps seek out an alternative broker, probably with fixed spread, to avoid commissions.