Tickmill. Tapi yg utama VPS latency broker nya harus dibawah 5 ms.brokernya apa gan?
Tickmill. Tapi yg utama VPS latency broker nya harus dibawah 5 ms.brokernya apa gan?
wah...boleh dishare tricknya dong gan. Maksudnya filter itu gimana?Tickmill. Tapi yg utama VPS latency broker nya harus dibawah 5 ms.
pakai VPS apa kira2 master yang latency nya dibawah 5ms? thanks for sharing.Tickmill. Tapi yg utama VPS latency broker nya harus dibawah 5 ms.
bisikin setingan filternya dong broWayGrow dengan tambahan beberapa filter menggila saat NFP malam ini (50% profit hanya semalam), siap2 kumpulin dana utk real account bln depan. Joooosssssss.http://prntscr.com/cdbm40
Coba realnya gan sy kasih rebate klw profit...WayGrow dengan tambahan beberapa filter menggila saat NFP malam ini (50% profit hanya semalam), siap2 kumpulin dana utk real account bln depan. Joooosssssss.http://prntscr.com/cdbm40
Coba realnya gan sy kasih acungin jempol klw profit...
ijin sruput gan....yang ini ya eanya, untuk bignews
for wild profit you must use: yadix.com or assetsfx.com
because they stop level is 0 and they spread start from 0 pip
View attachment 23959 View attachment 23960
View attachment 23961
having wild profit
Commission: $/€5 per lot per side (round lot $/€10)
- yadix.com :
- assetsfx.com:
View attachment 23963
- Commission 2,95 USD per 100 000 USD traded per side (0.00295% of the order size in base currency) – to open and close a trade, the cost would be $5.90/100 000 USD traded.
View attachment 23965
sir can you share your ea settingguys help me out is there a broker who dont count the trade when it close at open price like this:
not like this: