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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion EA Waygrow - profit konsisten unlimited

akun ane.... isinya gado-gado :D ( ada EA waygrow, EA Condor, EA scalper dll)

ngak ada akun yang khusus EA ini, entar yang lihat malah bingung :)

Langsung coba aja di Fortfs.... pake akun gratis $5 ( 500 cent),,,, :ok: , kalau gagal (lose) juga gpp kan ... wong gratis tis tis :*
aq dah daftar di fort gan dgn IB atas nama wirianto,.. untuk dapatin welcome bonus 5$ yg dibutuhkan untuk verifikasi apa aja gan? kmrn baru upload ktp sama verifikasi no hp aja (verified) tp kog masih blm bs ngambil bonus kurang apa lagi,..
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mau tanya, bedanya EA WG yang standart sama premium apa y?
soalnya baca" kebelangan ada yang ngomong EA WG yang premium
sementara masih aman...
dan masih pake strategi hit & run :D, harus tetap dipantau slippage nya .

saran saya pake akun real gratis nya aj

rekomendasi broker laen.... mungkin bisa coba di ActiveTrader
sayangnya kalau pakai akun gratisan, aq sudah coba dan gk bisa krna pas verifikasi sdh lewat dr 10hr
Demo account always work... because there is no slippage... :) i also can make 100$ to 1 million usd on demo, but in real server the result is very shit...
you can see here my ea is going fine on demo account... on real account its going to kill you by slippages... ea that uses tick scalper, will suffered from slippage... but if we can find a good broker on live server that less slippage, its ok... like broker that rian_fx just mention... i wanna try there if i had a time for this shit scalper... lol.... http://www.myfxbook.com/members/DuanFX/duanfx-capital-standard-ea-10/1267966

is possible to share Robot?
Amg capital is the same ea waygrow... I just renamed it... Jajaja.. And the other i use on real account in myfxbook is setka v3.. Just google it and you will find free full version... And running on semi manual not full 24 hours... Just avoid high impact news... It will make some profit if you know how to use it...
Hari ini sy cb fw d akun real fx4u cent ndd, kondisinya sampai saat ini ea bln ambil order. Perhari biasanya ea buka berapa posisi order?