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apa yang membuat beda dengan edu atau lite?
set sama?
set sama?
waygrow versi ringan
waygrow versi ringan
apa yang membuat beda dengan edu atau lite?
set sama?
iya ni versi lite = versi ringan gan... klo dr kinerjanya sama tuh wg edu sama wg lite.. cuman mnurutq fibo dan backround warna biru di versi edu tidak guna dan terlalu berat apalagi klo pasang lbh dr 1 pair..
Frist versionCan some one please tell what is the latest version and settings to use?
Frist version
Thank you. And what set file to use please? could you share the setup please?
Have you tested this set in real account? As much as I know this type of EA provides very different results in Test, Demo and real accounts.GU and Eu M1
In your test results there is lot size 9999, which is not allowed by any broker. Biggest lot size you can open is 100.Cara Kerja EA Waygrow :
Cara kerja EA nya cukup simpel.. dia akan menunggu momen dimana terjadi pergerakan harga yang relatif lebih cepat dibanding harga-harga yang bergerak sebelumnya. kemudian dia membuka pending order dengan StopLoss yang sangat dekat dengan harga dan dengan trailing yang tipis
1. Pada Broker yang Spread rendah. Usahakan Spread dibawah 1 pip. Ini penting dan sangat utama, karena EA melakukan Scalping dengan cepat dan SL sangat rendah lebih kurang 3 pips.
2. Broker dgn StopLevel yang rendah, setidaknya 3 pips
3, Broker yang benar-benar Allow Scalping tanpa syarat tambahan misalnya syarat waktu
4. Broker yang No Requote dan memiliki delay transaksi yang rendah..
5. Timeframe 1 menit dan 5 menit
6. Pair EU n GU (boleh dicoba di pair laen jg)
7. Pasang di VPS super cepat dengan dedicated RAM, server Eropa. dan Latencynya harus sekecil mungkin.
I lost 1000$ real in 2 weeks due to few mistakesreal account
-84 Dollars , just 10 min
so for you waygrow is not good ea?I lost 1000$ real in 2 weeks due to few mistakesso .... on ECN live. be strong, learn from it and move on.
yes is not goodso for you waygrow is not good ea?
This is new version waygrow_edu v1.8 best I found. Maybe someone can share the good set file.
helo icqx5055 ...real account
-84 Dollars , just 10 min
I lost 1000$ real in 2 weeks due to few mistakesso .... on ECN live. be strong, learn from it and move on.
hey ,helo icqx5055 ...
I am also concerned with your account
My conclusion: you do not read the instructions and conditions of using this EA.
please use the setting that is in treadmark.
notes.. alpari account standards are not suitable for EA Waygrow
of ScreenShot you send, visible negative slipage inordinate
please read the instructions and conditions of using this EA. use a setting that is in treadmark.