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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

Suggestion EA untuk mencopy signal tradingku terbukti 3 tahun profit

Hasil FT di Tickmill, modal $100k, lotnya kadang ga tahan gede bener, mau coba FT modal $500 nanti hasil di share lagi

terimakasi gan atas reviewnya. iya gan saya menggunakan lot berdasarkan modalnya, disini saya memanage akun orang bule dngan dana 49000 an usd jadi lot nya juga ikut besar. maka dari itu dengan bantuan ea trade mirror agan bisa menyesuaikan sendiri lotnya sesuai dengan kekuatan margin agan
Sukarji :) very nice of you to share your signal. Are signal from EA or manual trading?

Please add me
My FxBlue username is doodboy

another idea is share your mt4 login/investor pass & server ip (we can use personal trade copier and adjust things more easier... just an idea) This will allow us to be less dependent on FxBlue's server issues.

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Sukarji :) very nice of you to share your signal. Are signal from EA or manual trading?

Please add me
My FxBlue username is doodboy

another idea is share your mt4 login/investor pass & server ip (we can use personal trade copier and adjust things more easier... just an idea) This will allow us to be less dependent on FxBlue's server issues.


when I added you I saw this warning "'doodboy' is already configured to broadcast trades, and cannot be both a sending and receiving account" so it seem that you already broadcast signal account so you can't receive my signa. change your setting first
when I added you I saw this warning "'doodboy' is already configured to broadcast trades, and cannot be both a sending and receiving account" so it seem that you already broadcast signal account so you can't receive my signa. change your setting first

o change username to "goopfx" my other id thx