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GAK USAH kebanyakan CINGCONG, langsung aja tu coba !!!!, dari sekian banyak koleksi EA , cuman ini yg TERBUKTI profit. pasang d USDJPY TF M15, pasang tuh preset setting yg safe bgt.... sorry klo re-post, q kgk tau... silahkan Backtest & Forwardtest,,,,,,,

Ijin sedot gan.. Konfirmasi ulang : Pair USDJPY, TF M15, Settingan aman di halaman 1, cukup dgn modal 500 balance ya?
Ane mo coba FT di demo dulu, mulai Senen besok.. Makasih gan.. :rock:
senin mulai FT demo, pakai settingan di halaman 1 dulu, semoga aman dan konsisten ya, mari berdoa bersama2
Hello Dwi Purwanto,

Thanks for sharing this great ea.

From your preset file on first page, Compounding = False.

But if we use Compounding = TRUE, then, will this ea increase lot size fast after it reached the daily target ?

I am still thinking that:

1. Suppose we set up daily target = 3%. From 1k usd, it will become 1030 usd, right ? But if we use Compounding = false, then, this ea will start from 0.01 lot size again, and it has to make a new 3% on the next day, which is more than 30 usd, etc.
So, is it more difficult, to reach the new daily targets of 3% (Because our account equity is increased daily, and so, the new 3% will become BIGGER.

2. If we use compounding = TRUE, after reaching 3% for a day, The next day, the ea will calculate the new balance / equity again, and it will increase the Starting lot size, maybe, it will place 0.02 lot at first trade, etc, then, it can easily reach the new daily target of 3% ?

So, which one is correct in above 2 cases : Compounding = False or True ?

Hope yo or some members who have forward-tested this ea for few days can share experiences on this Compounding matter.

Thanks a lot

Hello Dwi Purwanto,

Thanks for sharing this great ea.

From your preset file on first page, Compounding = False.

But if we use Compounding = TRUE, then, will this ea increase lot size fast after it reached the daily target ?

I am still thinking that:

1. Suppose we set up daily target = 3%. From 1k usd, it will become 1030 usd, right ? But if we use Compounding = false, then, this ea will start from 0.01 lot size again, and it has to make a new 3% on the next day, which is more than 30 usd, etc.
So, is it more difficult, to reach the new daily targets of 3% (Because our account equity is increased daily, and so, the new 3% will become BIGGER.

2. If we use compounding = TRUE, after reaching 3% for a day, The next day, the ea will calculate the new balance / equity again, and it will increase the Starting lot size, maybe, it will place 0.02 lot at first trade, etc, then, it can easily reach the new daily target of 3% ?

So, which one is correct in above 2 cases : Compounding = False or True ?

Hope yo or some members who have forward-tested this ea for few days can share experiences on this Compounding matter.

Thanks a lot


I use setting from preset that available on page 1.. And its "Compounding = True" or I'm wrong... :think:

modal $5 d jadiin 500 cent , bisa d coba d welcome bonus FBS jg tuh.... silahkan d coba backtest menggunakan modal yg akan d gunakan, pair yg akan d gunakan, TF yg akan d gunakan, silahkan pake set yg udah d siapin atau silahkan pake set default yg profitnya lebih besar tetapi y resikonya jg lebih besar.

Btw, gan, ane lihat "Ketahanan = 15000" di file preset-nya.. Klo spt yg agan bilang bisa pakai modal $5 (500 cent), "Ketahanan" di settingnya perlu di ubah jadi 500 jg atau tdk gan? Mohon pencerahan.. Makasih.. :)
Dear Dwi Puranto,

If you think ít is safer to use Usdjpy than Eurusd and Gbpusd, then, I think you can also try this ea on following pairs because of their mall daily range: Audchf, Audjpy and Chfjpy.

Please backtest these 3 pairs and also run FT on them, then, kindly share your results here.

Have a nice winning day!

Dear Dwi Puranto,

If you think ít is safer to use Usdjpy than Eurusd and Gbpusd, then, I think you can also try this ea on following pairs because of their mall daily range: Audchf, Audjpy and Chfjpy.

Please backtest these 3 pairs and also run FT on them, then, kindly share your results here.

Have a nice winning day!


Dear James,
You have suggested very good pairs which are like usdjpy,
due to slow movment these pairs are considerable for this EA.
thanks for a nice suggestion.
Hi Imran,

Welcome. We are here to share all your opinions, profitable findings, and profitable set files, most suitable pairs, etc for all members in this great Soehoe's forum to FT and then, apply to their live accounts to make consistent profits, and avoid losing money to brokers.

It is time for us / forex traders to the make profits on consistent basis every week / every month against brokers who used to take lots of money from so many traders so far, right ?

So, everybody, please do not be selfish, but be generous to share all profitable settings, pairs, etc that you can find here. Sharing, Giving is Caring and Receiving a lot more from other people.

ini bagus sisitemnya tapi butuh di supirin dikit2 ketika max order tercapai ini akan melakukan full hedging ya
Sdh jalan demo FT 700 skrng 722 mulai tgl 29-7-2015
DD cuman 5% , tp profit kecil bgt...sebulan ngak bisa 10%..
Hi Imran,

Welcome. We are here to share all your opinions, profitable findings, and profitable set files, most suitable pairs, etc for all members in this great Soehoe's forum to FT and then, apply to their live accounts to make consistent profits, and avoid losing money to brokers.

It is time for us / forex traders to the make profits on consistent basis every week / every month against brokers who used to take lots of money from so many traders so far, right ?

So, everybody, please do not be selfish, but be generous to share all profitable settings, pairs, etc that you can find here. Sharing, Giving is Caring and Receiving a lot more from other people.


Hi, James
I tested this robot on AUDJPY, CHFJPY, please be careful about these pairs and also keep in mind money management is key factor in fx trading.
on these pairs Stec AVG Backup V5 robot opens big lots which are dangerous for margins.
i think u understand my point.
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Hi, James
I tested this robot on AUDJPY, CHFJPY, please be careful about these pairs and also keep in mind money management is key factor in fx trading.
on these pairs Stec AVG Backup V5 robot opens big lots which are dangerous for margins.
i think u understand my point.
how many lots?
as for myself, this robot only open from 0.01 lot (highest was 0.03 so far), 5-digit broker.
what tp bro

tp means take profit

GAK USAH kebanyakan CINGCONG, langsung aja tu coba !!!!, dari sekian banyak koleksi EA , cuman ini yg TERBUKTI profit. pasang d USDJPY TF M15, pasang tuh preset setting yg safe bgt.... sorry klo re-post, q kgk tau... silahkan Backtest & Forwardtest,,,,,,,

Sebelomny ane ucapin trima kasih ud sharing EA ciamik ini, gan.
Tp ane ada pertanyaan ttg Time Filter d EA tsb.
Time Filterny bdasarkan local time atw broker time atw GMT niy gan?
thanks ud sudi mw menjawabny.

Thank dwi purwanto for sharing the expert.

And thanks also for both James Phuc & Muhammad Imran for their great feedback and analysis.