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Suggestion EA Spider Hedging V3

From the evaluation of version 1-3 ea this is not so performance in the sideways market.

These 2 weeks my live account results have been stuck with too many orders. therefore one solution is to zoom in on the timeframe and I add a stochastic portion filter
I share again the revision,
Version 1.1
TF M30 default set Lot 0.01

I also attach the file set lot 0.02

This update good result n low drawdown



Another issue I'm experiencing is with, the stochastic filter. Let the image speak for itself. It is clearly selling in an oversold time, and, that really doesn't end well.
All open order not full stochastic filter, but combination with Candle pattern.
Try in my revision V.1.1
I've had some time to commit further testing and some progress has been made. I've been continuing to use the 5Min TF on GBPUSD and I've gotten pretty decent profit in backtesting with that being said. Currently, my big concern with this EA its survivability in a real market setting. As I said in a previous post, this Ea Needs a function for maximum spread. It's only profitable under controlled circumstances, if this EA is to survive the real market, it must place trades in circumstances that it was tested for. To also prevent account draining, a news filter should be implemented. Similarly, a mechanism to shut off the EA if equity is decreasing beyond a certain point. Through testing, I can also say it is safe to say that some editable inputs ought to be removed from the editing menu for simplicity's sake. The first 12 inputs for example really do not affect this EA and only add pointless clutter. Also, with the use of Martingale, take profit in money is pointless with the martingale system present. Besides, when changing lot sizes, these "in_money" only add needed complications. I really do hope to pursue the development of this EA, the actual algorithm for placings trades is quite impressive. With continued development, you might be a rich man soon, keep up the good work. :)

Below is a Set I created when testing the GBPUSD in the 5min timeframe.

Thanks you sir, your suggestion for improvement next i make n share in forum here.

I will check your share set file for M5
I've noticed a very odd abnormality with the stochastic filter in v1.1 that is neither bad nor good. Reversing the stochastic system by switching the values of overbought and oversold seems to consistently improve profits. This may be based off just my current settings, but it's an interesting thing to note
I've noticed a very odd abnormality with the stochastic filter in v1.1 that is neither bad nor good. Reversing the stochastic system by switching the values of overbought and oversold seems to consistently improve profits. This may be based off just my current settings, but it's an interesting thing to note
Stochastic logic filters here function when overbought and oversold indeed

if the sideways market must have good settings
if the market is trending and there are only 2-3 orders,
don't worry, definitely a big profit the problem is we have to keep an eye on lest there are more than 5 ops because it will be difficult to close all orders quickly
The profit of EA spider hedging v1.1 is relatively slow, but it's handled well in the horizontal market. It's a very low DD. at present, the effect is still good. Now it depends on the long-term results. Thank sripuji TSEA for his hard work
From the evaluation of version 1-3 ea this is not so performance in the sideways market.

These 2 weeks my live account results have been stuck with too many orders. therefore one solution is to zoom in on the timeframe and I add a stochastic portion filter
I share again the revision,
Version 1.1
TF M30 default set Lot 0.01

I also attach the file set lot 0.02

This update good result n low drawdown

ninggal sandal untuk yang ini langsung saya FT setelah saya BT barusan. Moga bisa silaturrahmi dengan admin TS, salam saya juga orang surabaya.
This is my review for this thread:
Halo kang puji, apakah thread ini masih aktif dan EA nya masih didevelop? Iseng2 searching nyari EA hedging dan ketemu thread di forum ini. Dan sepertinya memang bisa profitable konsisten. Dan sampai saat ini apakah ada update terbaru lagi?
ninggal sandal untuk yang ini langsung saya FT setelah saya BT barusan. Moga bisa silaturrahmi dengan admin TS, salam saya juga orang surabaya.
Untuk versi jika ada request pemakaian eanya expired akan saya update free.
Ok mas, kita bisa ngopi bareng, hehehe..
This is my review for this thread:
Halo kang puji, apakah thread ini masih aktif dan EA nya masih didevelop? Iseng2 searching nyari EA hedging dan ketemu thread di forum ini. Dan sepertinya memang bisa profitable konsisten. Dan sampai saat ini apakah ada update terbaru lagi?
Untuk Spider Hedging hanya tersedia versi 2020, V1, V2, V3, V1.1
Silahkan diexplore..
Untuk Spider Hedging hanya tersedia versi 2020, V1, V2, V3, V1.1
Silahkan diexplore..
Utk penggunaan timeframe saya coba gunakan M15 apakah beepengaruh? Karena saya tidak lihat ad opsi penggantian timeframe di setting EA nya, CMIIW!
Terlebih lagi, apa tidak ada manual penggunaan EA nya, khususnya yg V1.1, saya masih bingung memahami settingan nya.
Utk penggunaan timeframe saya coba gunakan M15 apakah beepengaruh? Karena saya tidak lihat ad opsi penggantian timeframe di setting EA nya, CMIIW!
Terlebih lagi, apa tidak ada manual penggunaan EA nya, khususnya yg V1.1, saya masih bingung memahami settingan nya.
Timeframe berpengaruh, smakin kecil semakin banyak op nya.
Untuk accurate signal dan lowrisk ada di timeframe H1.
Ada user yang pakai tf H1 stochastic 3.5.5
Max buy sell 4
katanya sampai saat ini masih optimal.
Tapi dia pakai versi lama, versi 2020
Hello all trader,.

Setelah ada kasus pair GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURAUD tanggal 25 Maret 2020 saat market trending dan langsung balik arah dalam sehari, EA versi 2 belum optimal karena tidak adanya open posisi yang locking/Hedging sehingga menyentuh SL in money -100$

Untuk itu Saya kembali share, EA Spider Hedging V3 untuk perbaikan dari Versi sebelumnya


Metode utama tetap adopsi dari sistem brekout follower trend, dengan kombinasi indi stochastic dan averaging safe marti.

Default set untuk scalping,
backtes 05 - 25 Maret 2020 gbpusd profit 190$ lot tertinggi 0.08 sl in money -200$ tidak tersentuh.

Silahkan dicoba EA Spider Hedging V3.
TF M15 all pair major
Recommended pair dengan voltality tinggi.

Expired date 07-07-2020
Free update jika Anda request.

Semoga profit konsisten menuju the best EA in the world from Indonesia☺️

Best regards,

Please put a version here, Without, expired
Hello all trader,.

Setelah ada kasus pair GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURAUD tanggal 25 Maret 2020 saat market trending dan langsung balik arah dalam sehari, EA versi 2 belum optimal karena tidak adanya open posisi yang locking/Hedging sehingga menyentuh SL in money -100$

Untuk itu Saya kembali share, EA Spider Hedging V3 untuk perbaikan dari Versi sebelumnya


Metode utama tetap adopsi dari sistem brekout follower trend, dengan kombinasi indi stochastic dan averaging safe marti.

Default set untuk scalping,
backtes 05 - 25 Maret 2020 gbpusd profit 190$ lot tertinggi 0.08 sl in money -200$ tidak tersentuh.

Silahkan dicoba EA Spider Hedging V3.
TF M15 all pair major
Recommended pair dengan voltality tinggi.

Expired date 07-07-2020
Free update jika Anda request.

Semoga profit konsisten menuju the best EA in the world from Indonesia☺️

Best regards,

Assalamuallaikum... saudaraku..., salamsilaturahim dari Wong-Blitar..., saya telah BT ea SpiderV.3 ini..., sungguh sangat luar biasa...,mengingat bahwa masa expired sudah dekat, bila berkenan mohon untuk di-update masa berlakunya.
Mohon dengan segala hormat...
Terimakasih banyak sebelumnya... :ok::ok::ok::tumbsup: