Mantap mas,Pengen coba EA nya mas, minta tolong autocodenya untuk akun ini:
Makasih sebelumnya
AutocodePlease send me the autocode to real XM 40047965 real 30 and XM 32213264 real 22
Thank u so much.
Oke kang,boleh minta autocode nya kang ni account saya
Jika akun demo, langsung saja dengan file ea (demo).ex4mas minta autocodenya dnk akun 9571749 pake fbs - demo.. makasih sebelumnya
Oke masbro,Mohon Share code nya masbro
Yes, hit trailing stop this normal brosir, as you notice from attached picture the deals all closed in one time but in loss! suppose it will closed on profit .this normal thanks
but sir every time hitting trailing stop on loss .it happened before so to final total will be lost by this way?Yes, hit trailing stop this normal bro
Which setting do you use the default set?but sir every time hitting trailing stop on loss .it happened before so to final total will be lost by this way?
Autocode 72524688Mas, saya izin coba EA nya ya.. Ini no akun saya, satu real satu demo.
Matur nuwun..
Waalaikumsalam kang,Assalamualaikum mohon pencerahannya kang
Fbs 241347970
Fbs 210328067
Izin baru gabung mohon autocode nya kang...
Which setting do you use the default set?
take profit or trailing, sometimes not always profit, minus results depending on market conditions.
but do not worry about a surplus profit later.
This includes fast closing strategies for floating risk terms.
Oke mas,Mas, minta tolong autocodenya untuk akun ini :
FBS 210074660
FBS 230045338
Terima kasih sebelumnya Mas
Sementara sejak Oktober 2020, floating tertinggi erjpy -70$ dengan marty 1.3btw max drawdown brp ya pak? apa aman di akun std modal kecil?
Bisa gan, 10pair juga bisa, hahaha..maaf agan Sripuji...apa EA ini bisa dipasang untuk 4 pair berbeda sekaligus pada 1 akun?
Ok, good lucki use default with your recent changes , dimart 1.5,tp1 50