Mohon maaf selama 2 minggu kemarin EA masuk bengkel karena ada penambahan filter pengaman dan logic agar lebih jauh dari kata MC sehingga performa pada Akun investor belum ada perubahan yang berarti.
Mulai hari ini jumat, 29 Januari 2021 EA sudah siap tampil kembali.
Berikut saya lampirkan EA nya agar teman2 semua bisa mencobanya, silahkan download dan salam trader!!
Sorry for the last 2 weeks EA entered the workshop because there were additional safety filters and logic so that it was further from the word MC so that the performance on the investor's account had not changed significantly.
Starting today Friday, 29 January 2021, EA is ready to perform again.
Here I attach the EA so all of you can try it, please download and greet traders !!