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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA Princess Raena V1.0

biasanya..kalo sudah diaktifkan ea nya....apakah nunggu sinyal dulu..atau langsung OP gan???
saya udah coba ea nya mas...............di demo....mulai siang sampai ini sore,,baru op 2 kali.....tapi sekali op..langsung profit..mantaaaaapppp...modal demo 4200 usd..pertama op kok op 0.42 lot...apa emang gitu gan???? mohon infonya.............................
Itu karena Mm aktive dan besaran di 1%, bisa di set di input eanya
filternya memakai tiga filter sthocastic , macd dan sma
Gan Atep trimakasih masukannya, maaf kemarin masa liburan jadi baru online lagi, koding nya nanti saya pelajari kemungkinannya
biasanya..kalo sudah diaktifkan ea nya....apakah nunggu sinyal dulu..atau langsung OP gan???
saya udah coba ea nya mas...............di demo....mulai siang sampai ini sore,,baru op 2 kali.....tapi sekali op..langsung profit..mantaaaaapppp...modal demo 4200 usd..pertama op kok op 0.42 lot...apa emang gitu gan???? mohon infonya.............................
Ea akan menunggu minimal candle berakhir, jika memanf signal opnya ada maka tidak menunggu lama utk op
Hi R2tan and other friends,

Please kindly share your full backtesting results as well as FT results so that we can see how many lots this ea has traded if using Martingale method?

Thanks a lot

Here is my Ft 1 Full Month profit 80%


  • Screenshot_2015-07-21-19-52-33.jpg
    88.1 KB · Views: 174
Hi R2tan,

Great results. Thanks

How much is max drawdown?

With this ea, how much do you think is minimum safe amount to use with this ea?

Have a nice Sunday !

Hi R2tan,

What is your updated version? Please kindly post it, with your current profitable set of files that you are using to make-profits like your screenshot.

Thanks a lot

:ok: Hi R2tan,

What is the minimum account that you can recommend if using this ea ? Any idea ?



hi James, if u are really interested in this robot, then i have some recommendations for u.
use this robot on 1H timeframe minimum. RSI levels change to 80/20 and control your lot.
you will some improved results. i think minimum equity for this robot must be 2000+ for initial lot 0.01.
i hope this will help u.
Princess Raena v 5.x is good robot and can generate good pips or profit.

however I would like to divert your attention towards ichimoku plus, forex stay light
these are also good robots, if u can explore or share good robots then please oblige .
Ini adalah Update dari EA Princess Raena versi ke 5.1 23 Juli 2015

Engine masih sama Averaging Martinggale dengan default jarak op kedua dan selanjutnya min 32 pips atau di awal candle baru floating, kelipatan 1.5 dengan MM 1% Trigger adalah ema 21 dan Ema 100 sebagai filter Trend, op jika ADX Plus(14) di atas ADX minus(14) serta ADX main(14) di atas threshold 27, serta konfirmasi dengan stochastik (9.3.5) jika buy main lebih dari signal begitu juga jika arah sebaliknya.

BT 2014 JAN-DES terlampir, saran dan masukan diharapkan.
Salam bro...

BT nya cemerlang...guna default setting cuma lot size 0.01. Mula modal 100usd BT sebulan setengah perolehi profit usd 338.
Satu pertanyaan saya...boleh guna di live acc ke?...ada sesiapa pernah guna di live acc?....terima kasih in advance master...
Ane coba utak-atik sedikit, agar dia OP bukan berdasarkan pip-step (karena menurut ane terlalu berbahaya), jadi ane ubah agar dia OP marti berdasarkan signal juga.. Sayangnya, sinyalnya kurang pas (mungkin krn ane simpen di M5).. Klo ada yg tau bagaimana setting MA dan yang lainnya yang sesuai untuk M5 tolong di sharing.. Mohon klo ada masta2 disini yang bisa koreksi kode-nya klo2 ane salah..

Btw, yang JogjaScalper-nya kalau ada source code-nya, mungkin bisa ane utak-atik juga agar dia OP marti berdasarkan signal, bukan pip-step yg tetap..


[QUOTE = "resa2410, post: 44 542, members: 2921"] Ane try to work a little, so she OP is not based pip-step (because, according to ane too dangerous), so ane change so that he OP marti based signaling as well .. Unfortunately, the signal does not quite fit (perhaps krn ane simpen in M5) .. Klo there who know how to setting MA and the other suitable for M5 help in sharing .. We know if there could be a correction masta2 here that his code klo2 ane one ..

Btw, who JogjaScalper her if there is source code, may be ane who tinkers also that he OP marti based signal, not a fixed pip-step .. [/ QUOTE]

Hello resa,
I make test on your modified version on 4 pairs that I found profitable.All 4 pairs on M15 TF and 90% mod. quality.
Tests merged with the Report Manager.

Generated by ReportManager 1.3.0

Period 08/03/2015 03:55 - 09/11/2015 22:59
Initial deposit 500.00
Total net profit 736.10 Gross profit Gross loss 1061.02 -324.92
Profit factor Expected payoff 3,265 2,933
Absolute Maximum drawdown drawdown 0:00 34.09 (2,892%) Relative drawdown 4,194% (26.24)
Total trades 251 Short positions (won%) 179 (78 212%) Long positions (won%) 72 (77 778%)
Profit trades (% of total) 196 (78 088%) Loss trades (% of total) 55 (21 912%)
Largest profit trade 63.91 loss trade -10.12
Average profit trade 5413 -5908 trade loss
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 28 (81.04) consecutive losses (loss in money) 5 (-34.09)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 81.04 (28) consecutive loss (count of losses) -34.09 (5)
Average consecutive wins 6 consecutive losses 2



Last edited:
[QUOTE = "resa2410, post: 44 542, members: 2921"] Ane try to work a little, so she OP is not based pip-step (because, according to ane too dangerous), so ane change so that he OP marti based signaling as well .. Unfortunately, the signal does not quite fit (perhaps krn ane simpen in M5) .. Klo there who know how to setting MA and the other suitable for M5 help in sharing .. We know if there could be a correction masta2 here that his code klo2 ane one ..

Btw, who JogjaScalper her if there is source code, may be ane who tinkers also that he OP marti based signal, not a fixed pip-step .. [/ QUOTE]

Hello resa,
View attachment 5484
I make test on your modified version on 4 pairs that I found profitable.All 4 pairs on M15 TF and 90% mod. quality.
Tests merged with the Report Manager.

Generated by ReportManager 1.3.0

Period 08/03/2015 03:55 - 09/11/2015 22:59
Initial deposit 500.00
Total net profit 736.10 Gross profit Gross loss 1061.02 -324.92
Profit factor Expected payoff 3,265 2,933
Absolute Maximum drawdown drawdown 0:00 34.09 (2,892%) Relative drawdown 4,194% (26.24)
Total trades 251 Short positions (won%) 179 (78 212%) Long positions (won%) 72 (77 778%)
Profit trades (% of total) 196 (78 088%) Loss trades (% of total) 55 (21 912%)
Largest profit trade 63.91 loss trade -10.12
Average profit trade 5413 -5908 trade loss
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) 28 (81.04) consecutive losses (loss in money) 5 (-34.09)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) 81.04 (28) consecutive loss (count of losses) -34.09 (5)
Average consecutive wins 6 consecutive losses 2

wow.. nice.. what setting u use? or just use standard setting? (y) :D
wow.. nice.. what setting u use? or just use standard setting? :ok: :D
Later tonight I will post the preset file, but do not do many changes - lot 0.01 and one other setting if I recall.Each broker is different and would do different results.
As promised, here is the settings to all tests.

CTT1="Pengaturan Trading & MM & TS"; Lots=0.01; MM=true; Risk=0.1; StopLoss=100; TakeProfit=20; Slippage=30; TrailingStop_=false; TrailingStop=20; CTT2="Pengaturan Waktu Trading"; TimeStart="00:00"; TimeEnd="24:00"; CTT3="Pengaturan Martinggale"; Martinggale=true; range=30; level=12; multiplier=2; CTT4="Pengaturan Keterangan Data Int"; EAName="Princess Raena V1.0"; MagicNumber=12345; CTT5="Parameter Indicators Utama MA"; TypeMA=0; Apliedprice=0; PeriodeMA=55; CTT6="Parameter Indicators Filter Stochastic"; k=9; slowing=3; d=5; pricefield=1; MAMethode=0; Levelup=50; Levello=50;

Later tonight I will post the preset file, but do not do many changes - lot 0.01 and one other setting if I recall.Each broker is different and would do different results.
As promised, here is the settings to all tests.

CTT1="Pengaturan Trading & MM & TS"; Lots=0.01; MM=true; Risk=0.1; StopLoss=100; TakeProfit=20; Slippage=30; TrailingStop_=false; TrailingStop=20; CTT2="Pengaturan Waktu Trading"; TimeStart="00:00"; TimeEnd="24:00"; CTT3="Pengaturan Martinggale"; Martinggale=true; range=30; level=12; multiplier=2; CTT4="Pengaturan Keterangan Data Int"; EAName="Princess Raena V1.0"; MagicNumber=12345; CTT5="Parameter Indicators Utama MA"; TypeMA=0; Apliedprice=0; PeriodeMA=55; CTT6="Parameter Indicators Filter Stochastic"; k=9; slowing=3; d=5; pricefield=1; MAMethode=0; Levelup=50; Levello=50;

Thanks.. I'll do FT now.. (y) :D
om resa2410 mana ea nya boleh bagi donk yg udah diutak antik biar bisa dipakai di tf m5

om re
Ane tidak mengerti settingan MA, dan yang lain-lainnya yang akurat gan.. Misal, kalau di EU TF M5, pake MA sekian, Parameter Indicators Filter Stochastic isinya sekian, dll.. Nah hal-hal yang seperti itu yang ane tidak paham gan.. Jadi musti masta2 trader yg tingkat dewa yg mengerti soal spt itu.. Soale ane cuman newbie, yg ngerti-nya pasang EA doank.. :D

Colek agan Keizira. agan pangestu , agan Marsel , agan alanaji tuk bantu isi setting (CTT5="Parameter Indicators Utama MA"; TypeMA; Apliedprice; PeriodeMA; CTT6="Parameter Indicators Filter Stochastic"; k; slowing; d; pricefield; MAMethode; Levelup; Levello) di macam2 pair, settingan yang pas tuk TF M5, sesuai dengan pair favorit agan2 masing2.. Moga agan2 bisa bantu kita2 yg newbie.. :)
udah malem, masih colek2 aja, nih gan resa2410... :rofl: Ane lihat2 dulu EA nya bersama dengan gan Keizira. :D
udah malem, masih colek2 aja, nih gan resa2410... :rofl: Ane lihat2 dulu EA nya bersama dengan gan Keizira. :D
Coba pake yg modify, yg ane share gan.. Beda ama versi aslinya, klo versi aslinya OP marti berdasarkan pip-step, klo yg ane modif, OP marti berdasarkan signal juga.. Intinya, EA-nya open berdasarkan signal gan, baik saat OP pertama maupun saat terjadi marti.. Jadi klo menurut ane sih lebih aman, soalnya klo misalnya kita OP Buy, ternyata dia ke arah sell, dia tdk nguber berdasarkan pip-step, tapi menunggu signal OP Buy berikutnya tuk di marti.. Moga agan bisa bantu tuk settingan MA dll-nya.. :D

Btw, klo ada yg bisa coding, tolong bantu cek kode-nya, soalnya entah kenapa kalo yg BUY dia tdk melakukan marti, tapi hanya OP 1 kali, setelah itu menunggu kena TP atau SL.. Sementara yang SELL, dia bisa melakukan OP marti.. :(