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New EA EA Nf9 Forex News Hunter "High Impact News Profit Hunter"


Well-Known Member
Credit Hunter
Halo smart trader, salam profit with low DD,..

EA Nf9 adalah forex expert advisor yang memiliki sistem trading berdasarkan hasil news dari forexfactory calendar. EA ini akan menganalisa hasil news untuk menentukan arah tradingnya. Tentunya yang diincar adalah high news impact only agar hasil tradingnya lebih akurat dengan profit yang maksimal. EA Nf9 dipastikan lebih akurat dan juga lebih powerfull jika dibandingkan dengan EA Nf3 dan EA Nf6 yang sebelumnya telah dirilis.
Apa yang baru?
Pada EA Nf9 telah ditambahkan proteksi maximum profit dengan mengaktifkan UseAllowCloseTradeinMoneyAfterMaxTimeToTradeEnded. dengan fitur ini EA akan close profit setelah max time to trade selesai artinya meskipun takeprofit by money sudah tercapai tetapi jika waktu max tradenya belum selesai maka EA belum bisa melakukan close profit, dengan fitur ini selain memaksimalkan profit juga memproteksi agar tidak melakukan order lagi setelah close profit tercapai (single shoot).

Entry Point
EA ini akan mengambil posisi trading dengan memanfaatkan hasil news dari forex factory calendar, karena EA Nf9 menggunakan news datafeed dari forexfactory untuk signal entry tradingnya.
Exit Point
EA ini dilengkapi berbagai strategi untuk melakukan exit trade. Diantaranya dalah takeprofit dan stoploss, trailling stop, Takeprofit in money dan stoploss in money.

Tampilan EA

Tampilan Setting

sesuaikan curencies news dengan pairs yang kita gunakan. sebagai contoh by default setting untuk pairs eurusd (mengaktifkan news EUR dan USD , keduanya set true). jika kita gunkan pairs gbpusd maka kita aktifkan news GBP = true dan USD = true dan news yg lainnya set false (kecuali jika sudah paham efek suatu curencies dengan curencies lainnya). begitupun jika kita gunakan semisal usdchf maka kita aktifkan news USD dan CHF saja.

Base idea untuk sistem ini adalah hasil trading journal myfxbook Happy news - TMGM yang running lebih dari 3 tahun dengan profit yang stabil dan konsisten. Trading hanya saat news rilis dengan terfokus pada High impact news only.

1. Click allow dll import agar news datafeed dari forexfactory calendar nya bekerja.

2. EA ini akan lebih optimal jiga digunakan pada broker yang memiliki spread rendah seperti tickmill, icmarkets dll dan pastikan broker yang kita pakai tidak ada syarat atau ketentuan untuk close trading dibawah 1 menit.
NOTE Important :
Saat menggunakan PC maupun VPS yang harus di cek adalah kita harus memastikan Date and Time nya sinkron.

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Jika berminat menggunakan EA Nf6 Forex News Hunter silahkan di download disini
Download NEW UPDATE EA Nf9 Forex News Hunter
Berlangganan VPS di SocialVPS
Berlangganan VPS di Menyohost

Source : https://www.hobiheboh.com/2024/08/ea-nf9-forex-news-hunter-high-impact.html


History reader :mad:
basically this EA using dll file that contains on MT4 standart sir,.. not needed external dll files,. because if you not allow dll import, this EA can not import news datafeed from forexfactory calendar
today at FOMC USD high news

Bisa untuk akun cent om? minimal deposit brp? broker yang cocok?
yang terpenting bisa nahan stoploss aja, jadi tergantung pake stoploss berapa poin, lalu berapa pair yang dipakai,.. klo standart enaknya di 100$ sih,.. let see pake stoploss 150 point dengan lots 0.01 maka setiap trading resikonya 1.5% dari balance..
Can you share settings?..defaults and screenshot settings are different..or, detailed description of input parameters..thank you
we should do trial and error sir,.. so, the setting parameter always changed regarding the new condition,.. but for start we should using default setting first to know how EA work,. then stoploss value is the second one we need to pay attention to,.. for the next update, I thought I would add pending buystop and sellstop orders, both of which were placed right before the news took place,
this will create a price trap where this EA will be more effective in winning important moments to make a potential profit,.
I wasn't ask you just for EA Input settings , but URL settings as I have sometimes connection to ForexFactory but mostly I have NOT !(pop-up window : 'FFCal Error -Web page download was not complete')... May you try with other NewsFeed provider/site?
..Thank you for sharing and helping
the forexfactory url for import news datafeed has changed to xml sir,.. also, sometimes you get the news data but sometimes not,
Calling API functions on main loop can cause excessive requests to the server, which could be considered DDOS by the server and cause your request to be temporary blocked because overloading. so, Automatically importing data from websites like Forex Factory should be done with care so as not to violate website policies and avoid temporary blocking..,you can download new update the EA nf9 on my web directly if you face this case, also, you can use psiphon if needed to change your IP cause temporary blocked on forexfactory xml server,..
I wasn't ask you just for EA Input settings , but URL settings as I have sometimes connection to ForexFactory but mostly I have NOT !(pop-up window : 'FFCal Error -Web page download was not complete')... May you try with other NewsFeed provider/site?
..Thank you for sharing and helping
the forexfactory url for import news datafeed has changed to xml sir,.. also, sometimes you get the news data but sometimes not,
Calling API functions on main loop can cause excessive requests to the server, which could be considered DDOS by the server and cause your request to be temporary blocked because overloading. so, Automatically importing data from websites like Forex Factory should be done with care so as not to violate website policies and avoid temporary blocking..,you can download new update the EA nf9 on my web directly if you face this case, also, you can use psiphon if needed to change your IP cause temporary blocked on forexfactory xml server,..
what I do is limit the script to import data at least once every 5 minutes or more so that the forexfactory server is not overloading

then refresh in a few minute

really with the lot size of 0.10 a profit of 3.10 usd:tmi: good profit? that is play money :rofl:
remember this EA using stoploss sir, so you should count about risk reward for sure,.. this EA default set just set 10 point takeprofit, but for the close, this EA need to wait till maxtimetotrade ended,.. so, if you can catch the high news with very big move, you can get till morethan 1000 point profit with single trade with just 150 point stoploss value, you can logic this risk reward,.. this EA just take important moments with high probability to gain profit,.. remember the time to the trade time is fast, no need to wait until tomorrow for profit,..