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New EA EA Like Super Combo

[QUOTE = "ron woll, post: 99367, member: 4967"] Appropriate ane week yesterday at post http://soehoe.com/ea-dan-settingan-untuk-modal-5-usd-terbukti.t557/page -51 # post-98024

Here ane create from scratch EA Like SuperCombo with advantages that are not burdensome broker server. As it is known, ane using EA Super Combo has been the last few months and make profit quite consistent per month, but since 2 weeks yesterday the use of EA Super Combo in the block by the Broker due to EA Super Combo work process is very consuming traffic / bandwidth server brokers every tick server performs ModifyOrder for TP and SL settings for each open order. Therefore ane make your own EA Like Super Combo with a more friendly excess with the broker server.

How it works EA Like Super Combo is:
  1. In the first run of EA Like Super Combo make 2 open order buy & sell with the specified TP.
  2. Then create pending order sell limit & buy limit within the specified Step pips.
  3. Every time one of the open orders is hit by TP then it will remove the pending order opposite and open order again in the direction of the order affected by TP and make pending order again. And so on.
The downside of this EA is that if the market is in a trend without a retrace it will create a gap distance between Buy and Sell groups. If anyone can help the strategy to avoid market trend conditions to discuss in this thread.

For more details please try on BT or FT.
Ane suggestion use a demo account or cent account to try it out.

Update date 04/05/2016
  • fix minimum stop level
  • fix Set TP and SL
  • fix the minimum configuration of a lot of broker server
Update date 17/05/2016
  • Add UseCustomLotsMultiplier & LotsMultiplier
bro which pair and which TF use? and BT not working?
[QUOTE = "wahyudi, post: 100208, member: 4859"] Dear Ron woll.
Thank you once you have given the solution that the broker is burdened, I have tried BT and run normally.
However, I see that there is a difference with Super COMBO sent by Detective, So martingale is very nice to handle the gap between Buy and Sell it just takes a lot of capital.
According to I Like Super Comba that you serve there needs to be a solution when there is a wide Buy and Sell gap.
Hopefully the visible Profit can look intact, if Equity one line with Balance.

I'm a super COMBO fan, once again Thanks to Detective. [/ QUOTE]
ban you tell us which pair works and which TF?i try to BT but not work.pls share
EA karakter martingle memang profitnya menjanjikan, akan tetapi resikonya juga lumayan tinggi, hal ini bisa teratasi klo di Tambah lagi perintah parameter TARGET MONEY, tujuannya agar tdk terbawa floating jauh, jd kita memanfaatkan koreksi harga, klo TARGET MONEYnya kena harus CLEAR ALL POSITION dan baru eanya jln lg
EA karakter martingle memang profitnya menjanjikan, akan tetapi resikonya juga lumayan tinggi, hal ini bisa teratasi klo di Tambah lagi perintah parameter TARGET MONEY, tujuannya agar tdk terbawa floating jauh, jd kita memanfaatkan koreksi harga, klo TARGET MONEYnya kena harus CLEAR ALL POSITION dan baru eanya jln lg
Ada EA yang spt itu menggunakan sistem bucket jadi jika dalam satu bucket profit sudah tercapai maka semua posisi akan di close (contoh EA Ikarus dng sistem grid martingale), atau bisa ditambah EA close on profit spt EA Eliteprofitmanager.
Atau bisa juga EA Super combo like ditambah tombol buy dan sell. Hanya saja mungkin perlu disesuaikan jangan buy low sell high (counter trend), tapi buy high sell low (follow trend).
Saya penggemar Super Combo EDU sudah saya pake di akun real baik cent maupun standard. Secara profit memang menjanjikan hanya saja jika market long trend maka dipastikan gap antara OP sell dan buy akan melebar. Opsinya adalah kontrol manual sesuai arah trend (buy jika uptrend dan sell jika downtrend), hanya logika trandingnya harus diubah bukan counter trend spt super combo (memanfaatkan reversal trend).
Hello Bro i got this massage when i try to backtest it
0 05:31:12.253 2019.06.03 01:05:25 Like_SuperCombo XAUUSD,M1: Testing period is over.
what to do>?