I make a new expert for indicators, only you need to write the name of the expert, the first and second buffer and put your indicator in indicators folder. This expert show the value of first and second buffer and your BUY or SELL op.
This expert dont work with all indicators, ensure that u put the correct buffers.
Please remember vote and like.
Now with martingale
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Now with pipstep
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Mode for buffers or ma, with ma mode, we can use this expert in more indicators
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Now works with SL and TP, and now we can set a profit to close
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Fix martingale with pipstep and new mode sltp added, its good option to use with closewithprofit
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I add Breakeven over SL, SL of last order its modified beprice if Ask or Bid its up or down over ordenopenprice+(beprice*belimit4raise) or orderopenprice-(beprice*belimit4raise), if SL was modified already, and same condition its confirmed, SL is modified again to SL+Beprice
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Autolot mode added
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New martingale mode added (Lotstep)
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New martingale mode added (Cutswitch)
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New mode added for 2 diferent indicators
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Period added to ma mode, and inverse cutswitched martingale, also fix broken martingale of V9.
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Cutswitch mode fixed, now close trades.
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Added CutswitchTP and CutswitchSL to improve cutswitch metod, also added Closelost var, to close last trade when open a new trade with martingale.
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Fixed closelost in martingale mode, added max lot improve code and info
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Added email alert and hours filter
I gift a full premium last version of this expert to members that meets these requirements:
-Post a reply with a profit backtest of at least 90% quality and at least 6 last months (graphics and statistics) with pair and timeframe with 1000 balance.
-In same reply, post the set file and indicator(no trial) used to this backtest.
-Send me a PM with ur Mt4 account name, only accounts with this name can use the expert (Case sensitive).
When i backtest this strategy to see that works, i send u a PM with the full expert.
If u dont want publish ur indicator also can send me a PM with the requiriments, but send me account number, no account name, expert only work in that account number, if want that expert work in all ur accounts publish the requiriments.