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Suggestion EA for indicators

Maxlot added, fixed closelost with martingale mode, improved pipstep.
I gift a full premium last version of this expert to members that meets these requirements:
-Post a reply with a profit backtest of at least 90% quality and at least 6 last months (graphics and statistics) with pair and timeframe with 1000 balance.
-In same reply, post the set file and indicator(no trial) used to this backtest.
-Send me a PM with ur Mt4 account name, only accounts with this name can use the expert (Case sensitive).
When i backtest this strategy to see that works, i send u a PM with the full expert.
If u dont want publish ur indicator also can send me a PM with the requiriments, but send me account number, no account name, expert only work in that account number, if want that expert work in all ur accounts publish the requiriments.
wow... if you already fix cutswitch mode... thats good... yes its pz lopez trend.... sorry for late update guys because im quite busy right now.... ok i will try new fix version and post the result here soon... keep going tirix adn friends..... i have more idea for this type of ea.... just wait... It will be fine if we all work together... ;) fast action will give fast result too.... yeahhh
tirix, there a still problem here for cutswitch method... i attach the images below...


  • tir.png
    195.5 KB · Views: 146
tirix, there a still problem here for cutswitch method... i attach the images below...
This is how cutswitch works as last90rec EA if u want 1 order for signal, use normal martingale
Hello my friend tirix! There is a problem in the martingale it is without stop loss and take profit could fix?
Hi cirilo if i add SL to martingale, i cant open another order with multiplier or lotstep to save fail order. if i add TP in martingale, could not make enough profit to recover fail orders.
Use closewithprofit.
how to setting if open order sell running then need to close bcause get buy signal.at the same time need open buy signal?
how to use with PZ_DayTrading?
how setting? i used but no OP...
how to setting if open order sell running then need to close bcause get buy signal.at the same time need open buy signal?
how to use with PZ_DayTrading?
how setting? i used but no OP...
need fill name of indi, in indicators folder and 2 buffers.
I make a new expert for indicators, only you need to write the name of the expert, the first and second buffer and put your indicator in indicators folder. This expert show the value of first and second buffer and your BUY or SELL op.
This expert dont work with all indicators, ensure that u put the correct buffers.
Please remember vote and like.

Now with martingale
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Now with pipstep
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Mode for buffers or ma, with ma mode, we can use this expert in more indicators
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Now works with SL and TP, and now we can set a profit to close
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Fix martingale with pipstep and new mode sltp added, its good option to use with closewithprofit
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I add Breakeven over SL, SL of last order its modified beprice if Ask or Bid its up or down over ordenopenprice+(beprice*belimit4raise) or orderopenprice-(beprice*belimit4raise), if SL was modified already, and same condition its confirmed, SL is modified again to SL+Beprice
------NEW UPDATE-----
Autolot mode added
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New martingale mode added (Lotstep)
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New martingale mode added (Cutswitch)
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New mode added for 2 diferent indicators
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Period added to ma mode, and inverse cutswitched martingale, also fix broken martingale of V9.
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Cutswitch mode fixed, now close trades.
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Added CutswitchTP and CutswitchSL to improve cutswitch metod, also added Closelost var, to close last trade when open a new trade with martingale.
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Fixed closelost in martingale mode, added max lot improve code and info
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Added email alert and hours filter

I gift a full premium last version of this expert to members that meets these requirements:
-Post a reply with a profit backtest of at least 90% quality and at least 6 last months (graphics and statistics) with pair and timeframe with 1000 balance.
-In same reply, post the set file and indicator(no trial) used to this backtest.
-Send me a PM with ur Mt4 account name, only accounts with this name can use the expert (Case sensitive).
When i backtest this strategy to see that works, i send u a PM with the full expert.
If u dont want publish ur indicator also can send me a PM with the requiriments, but send me account number, no account name, expert only work in that account number, if want that expert work in all ur accounts publish the requiriments.

Congratulations, a beautiful job!!!

The expert advisor to the air very well but for a 5 star from me I'd love to know how this works is you it a small tutorials knowledge parameters that know how this works etc to your keyboards thanks and good day to all
option 0 its same that before, option 1 its for indicators how 1 line, in buffer 1 write the buffer of line and set the ma options, if ma is up the buffer line buy, else sell.
This is a good indicator, and example for mode 1

plz setting picture thank you :)
impressive, so this ea can run & trigger signal from indicators?
what is the requirement for this ea to work with indi?
i have some good indis but not sure if this will work or not, i guess its time to open my arsenal haha
waiting for your reply
Little guide to expertize an indicator with ultimatexpertindicatorV9.5:
For use this indicator we need put indicators that we use on indicators folder and fill correctly the name and buffers.
Not use SL and TP with martingales.

We have 3 modes:
Mode Buffer1andbuffer2 its for indicators that have 2 buffers, one for sell signal and one for buy, as PZLopez for example, for this mode we need to fill indicator name, buffershift, buffer1, and buffer2.
Mode Maandbuffer1 is for expert of 1 line as MA or mcorrelation for example, we need to fill, indicator name, buffershift, buffer1, Ma shift, ma, and ma period that we can fill with 0 for current.
Mode Indicators2buffers2 its for compare signal of 2 differents indicators. we need to fill, indicatorname, indicatorname2, buffershift, buffer1 and buffer2. buffer1 its for first indicator, same that indicatorname, buffer2 its for second, same that indicatorname2.
Multiplierlots, if we are in and opened buy and signal change to sell, another order sell will be open with lotsoflastorder*Multiplier.
Steplot, if we are in and opened buy and signal change to sell, another order sell will be open with lotsoflastorder+Steplots.
Cutswitch multiplier, we need to fill multiplier, CutswitchTP, and cutswichSL, open and order when signal change, for example if signal is buy, open an buy order and if price its orderopenprice+cutswitchTP order will be closed with profit, if price is orderopenprice-cutswichSL order will be closed, and another buy is open with orderlots*multiplier. if we select inverse cutswitch when price is orderopenprice-cutswitchSL order will be closed and another sell is open with orderlots*multiplier.
Cutswitch lotstep, same that multiplier but change mode of Lots.
Martingale changes:
Pipstep, this mode only works with multiplierlots and steplot martingales, if we open with indicator signal a buy order, sell only its open with martingale when actual price its below of orderopenprice and signal its sell.
Closelots, this mode only works with multiplierlots and steplot martingales, if is in TRUE, when we open the second order with martingale first order will be closed before open the second.

Note: Martingales work bad with SL and TP, but we can add true to Closewithprofit.

Other changes:
If we add a beprice > 0, if for example we are in a buy, if price its above beprice*belimit4raise over orderopenprice, stoploss=Orderopenprice+beprice. if price its above beprice+belimit4raise over stoploss, Not recommended with martingale.
Closewithprofit, when (Equity+Profit)>balance, all orders will be close.
Sltp, this is used with SL and TP, if we use true, only one order for be opened for signal change. if is false order will be opened in direcction of signal without signal changes. I recommend set true when use SL or TP.
tirix thanks for your guide, dont forget to threadmark important post :D
i will try to bt first..

btw what is buffershift, buffer1 & buffer2?
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Hello tirix, when you put two indicators, the robot only opens the order when the two indicators confirm the signal? they must have the same buffers?
the possibility of a robot in the future using 3 indicators?
Good day.
Thanks once again, I am really into your ea as I believe its time for automation.
In a plain mans English, in your EA, do I believe in

EA for indicators

Buffer 1 = Sell
Buffer 2 = Buy

I still get confuse some times as I seems to do well but after a while, I blow up the account. Because I am trying to learn mitigale, its not too clear if I dont understand the buffer allocation.

If martingale is true and I therefore will not use TP/SL. So assume my trade will close with the close with profit set to true an the profit I set. Is that in Pips or Cash (ie close with profit)

I also believe I only has to put the indicator in the indicator folder and not on the chart. Just the name in the EA for indicators
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