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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)

New EA EA anti lost, holygril minimal modal $5

I don't know why the people don't share the Source Code if it's available. MQ4 edited, it can works in any Broker, BUT is waste of time ! This EA not make money even at XM Demo (tested in the past) if anyone find good settings or a Broker to run it, share the results please .


I don't know why the people don't share the Source Code if it's available. MQ4 edited, it can works in any Broker, BUT is waste of time ! This EA not make money even at XM Demo (tested in the past) if anyone find good settings or a Broker to run it, share the results please .
I get error. Please check image
emang jos ini ea,,profit emng bner banget bisa 1000 persen,,,,, karena memanfaatkan sistem bug nya xm ,,tpi yh itu d banned,,ane juga udah ngerasain,,,,klo msh penasaran triknya harus ada minus tiap hari ,,,brapapun minusnya ,,yg pntng jngn biru terus,,,hmm,mending yg normal aja deh,,cape,,kena banned ,,bikin account terus,,hhhiii:D
ada beberapa yang bilang pakai di demo trs di copy ke real, itu jelas tidak bisa, karena chart micro di acc demo tidak ada, mungkin mengatasi banned begitu ea open dan profit. stop pakai eanya, diselingi manual trade 1x sehari dengan set tp dan sl, mungkin begitu akan terhindar dari banned, karena memang pakai manual juga.

ada perkembangan yang menggunakan ea ini?
Try this both it's work all broker and spread control any one add lot multiple inthis ea it's even more good

useless, do you know that XM micro have bugs and the other broker don't?
And your EA have code errors.

I have fixed version
useless, do you know that XM micro have bugs and the other broker don't?
And your EA have code errors.

I have fixed version
You have a fix version that's good send it and this ea not a micro account it's work all type of account with low spard