Esses eu queria hem brother[QUOTE = "Luis Bianuci, post: 303673, membro: 8292"] Olá. Isto é Ea decompile [/ QUOTE]
Por favor, dicompile EA. Obrigado amigo
Take.Others 2 is not possible.[QUOTE = "Luis Bianuci, post: 303673, membro: 8292"] Olá. Isto é Ea decompile [/ QUOTE]
Por favor, dicompile EA. Obrigado amigo
This one is good!Please de-compile this EA. Thank you friend
Take.Others 2 is not possible.
this other two why it did not have like, they are the best.
this other two why it did not have like, they are the best.
Sorry - There is no decompiler for the newer versions (code ex).
I can decompile only old EAs with version 4.0.509.5 (code ex4).
now EA does not want to make an order, you have to unhook the demo and then copy it again.
Thank you
Please dicompile EA. Thank you friend
This file is possible to decompile?this file pls...
Is not possible.Is new version (code ex).
The decompiler only works with code ex4.
No.Is code ex.This file is possible to decompile?
No.Is code ex.
Check this with any editor to view the file (notepad).
If it says EX-p at the beginning of the file, is newer and is not possible.
If it says EX4-p then is possible.
if you use SL what is your interest to use Grid ... lol strategy grid and SL...No logicplease some one add sl filter into this with every trade it make 20 pips sl
This is not possible (code ex), but I share here old version -EA Enigma-G12.Please decompile . Thank you