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New EA CyNera MT4 4.55 ( Latest version )

ini sudah saya coba dan beberapa hari tidak membuka order, dan kadang muncul notif error...
ijin gan mau bagikan EA yang mungkin bisa jadi bahan pertimabangan untuk daily driver agan2 semua, saya sudah menggunakan Ea ini dan maksimal DD 18% itupun saya setting di mode High Risk, ada beberapa mode risk yang bisa dipilih sesuai dengan keinginan, kalau mau dapat banyak pilih yang Extreme , kalau mau aman pilih middle aja ataun low yang paling aman tapi low hanya bisa 5% hingga 10% perbulan.. ini link thread nya gan..silahkan di pungut heheheh...https://soehoe.id/xau-usd-5m-scalper-goldminer.t31083/
how is it possible that all this smart tribe:D:D:D:D did not notice that cynera installs two strange pyton?? programs winobnrdq in terminal common??? and that they are hard difficult to delete ?????
did you also notice the strange folder in Appdata local temp 2 MEI5652 MEI92442 ??
it's because of your own actions that like to pick up shit. leave that bad habit
I created this tool to take the opposite trade of any ea for testing purposes, and it has been working great with cynera trades so far.
Can you explain how it may help? If cynera in profit then the opposite would be in loss? How can it be profitable overall?