1. Install Fiddler Classic
Download and install Fiddler Classic from the official website:
2. Enable HTTPS Decryption
Follow this guide to activate HTTPS decryption in Fiddler:
3. Customize Fiddler Rules
Customize Fiddler rules to replace the Authorization and openai-organization headers. Refer to the documentation for modifying rules:
Add the following rules to your script (replace with your own ChatGPT key and organization ID):
if (oSession.oRequest["Authorization"] == "Bearer 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") {
oSession.oRequest["Authorization"] = "Bearer sk-proj-xxxx";
if (oSession.oRequest["openai-organization"] == "org-NuRdGlqfwjzKchAXzaZNcOze") {
oSession.oRequest["openai-organization"] = "org-xxxx";
5. Configure Proxy Settings in MT4
Activate the proxy in your MT4 settings by using the following configuration:
- Server:
- Port: 8888
what is this function for?