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Suggestion Close all trades (script)

Abrar Ahmed

Credit Hunter
these scripts are used for closing all trades including
only buy
only sell
current trades
all trades
pending buy
pending sell
hope this is usefull for you


Added few files.. :)
Close_Acc_Profit >> Only close OP that already at profit (BUY and SELL)
Close_All_Buy_Order (EU) >> Only close all OP buy at EU Pair. For other pair, just edit "EURUSD" and change it to pair you want, eg "GBPUSD".
Close_All_Sell_Order (EU) >> Only close all OP sell at EU Pair. For other pair, just edit "EURUSD" and change it to pair you want, eg "GBPUSD".


Added few files.. :)
Close_Acc_Profit >> Only close OP that already at profit (BUY and SELL)
Close_All_Buy_Order (EU) >> Only close all OP buy at EU Pair. For other pair, just edit "EURUSD" and change it to pair you want, eg "GBPUSD".
Close_All_Sell_Order (EU) >> Only close all OP sell at EU Pair. For other pair, just edit "EURUSD" and change it to pair you want, eg "GBPUSD".

Hello Sir for Close all account profit EA can we have options like
1.Profit to close
2.Loss to close

so that Ea closes all trades when account reaches xxx number of loss & xxx number of profit .

Salam, saya menggunakan EA ForexBot yang membuka posisi sehingga 100posisi dlm masa kurang seminit, buy n sell.. jadi, adakah script ni boleh digunakan utk close posisi yg profit pada harga atau price tertentu..
Bagus inih kenya script bisa bantu buat close order bersamaan
saya tertarik juga nih terimakasih telah berbagi mungkin bisa lebih cepat dari pada close satu satu