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      Question Bitcoin: " money or not money ? " :


      New Member
      Bitcoin is the most famous virtual currency. But is it just a currency? Not if we stick to the classic definition. Explanations. By Jacques Baudron, Paris Sud University - Paris-Saclay University
      From the top of its fragile highs and lows, bitcoin dominates the poster for several months. But, we warn, bitcoin has no intrinsic value, and virtual currencies are not receivables. What does this statement mean? To find out, one must first understand why a currency is a debt.

      The first claims, stories of goldsmiths
      During the first half of the seventeenth century, goldsmiths are among the few trades able to fight headaches. They are equipped, for their activity, strong safes. The wealthy merchants, who are particularly vulnerable, have therefore quickly solicited them to shelter their precious metals. The case is obviously not free: it is against a recognition of nominative debts and, of course, fair compensation for the service rendered. Upon presentation of this paper, all or some of the precious metals deposited could be withdrawn.

      As things evolve, IOUs become anonymous and only mention the amount of gold required in return. IOUs being much easier to handle than gold, they are quickly preferred for trade in goods or services. These notes, exchangeable for the mentioned gold weight, constitute receivables.

      Goldsmiths have permanently in their trunk of gold reserves that sleeps. Businesses in turn seek funds for the development of their activities and both parties quickly find common ground on the basis of notes-recognitions of debt identical to those of the depositors. These recognitions of debts have an ephemeral life: they are destroyed as soon as the debt is released.

      Establishment of the monetary creation mechanism
      Goldsmiths are quick to note that gold goes in and out but the level of stocks does not fall below a certain threshold. Statistically, not all borrowers present their debt acknowledgment at the same time. Hence the idea of offering more IOUs than there is gold. The total amount on the issued IOUs is greater than the gold weight of the guarantee. There is a risk of being unable to cope with an influx of claims, but it is visibly measured as the system grows. That said, the model set up to replenish the post-Louis XIV period by John Law nevertheless showed in 1720 that a simultaneous request from all users is not just theory!

      The monetary creation mechanism is born. When a trader borrows, he collects his notes printed by the silversmith. The sum is reported in the registers. Debt notes are issued, and the gold level in the coffers does not change. The merchant uses these notes-certificates to pay his suppliers, who will use them in turn to pay employees, who can themselves use them to buy bread and so on. The currency circulates, and all these exchanges have as their point of origin a simple writing in a register ...

      Read More : http://www.bestforexclub24.com/2018/02/bitcoin-money-or-not-money.html
      Banyak orang punya anggapan jelek tentang bitcoin n selalu dibilang itu penipuan. Kalo kamu bilang begitu juga artinya kamu perlu belajar lagi tentang apa itu cryptocurrency n gimana cara kerjanya.
      Masalahnya di sini adalah gimana cara mengontrol dirimu secara psikologis. Ini bakal membantu kamu buat trading selanjutnya. Gini caranya supaya kamu bisa ngontrol dirimu sendiri.
      Apakah menurut Anda ramalan tentang kebangkitan bitcoin akan menjadi kenyataan? Sekarang angka menceritakan kisah yang berbeda.
      Puede que esta variante es más para los estudiantes o escolares pero no para la gente respetable que tienen muchos obligaciones y gastos cada mes
      I don't have a noteworthy experience with Cryptocurrencies. However i think that bitcoin was a year ago a currency which is short-term tradable, but now it is more about a long-term trade. As you can notice, it has broken many support levels these last days, so the one who trade Bitcoin based on SR levels probably lost money, while those who opened long term trades in this cryptocurrency don't worry about its actual fluctuation since they are waiting for a long-term profit that can last a couple of years or even more. Personally, i hope Bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies will have a success in the future and i hope they won't be overregulated.
      Ane ngga menganggap Bitcoin sbg uang. Ane menganggapnya sebagai aset. Aset dengan potensi yg ngga terbatas. Aset yg nilainya bisa jatuh kapan saja. Ane tau banyak orang bakal ngga setuju. Menurut kalian, ane bener ngga?
      Saya percaya Anda tidak seharusnya memperlakukan Bitcoin sebagai uang. Ini harus dianggap sebagai aset yang nilainya berubah secara teratur. Jika Anda mempertimbangkan uang Bitcoin, Anda akan menghadapi banyak kerumitan dalam pikiran Anda. Bitcoin adalah aset yang dapat diubah atau digunakan untuk setiap transaksi kapan pun Anda suka.
      Lo bisa bilang Bitcoins itu aset yg nilainya terus berubah seiring waktu. Kalo lo pikir bitcoin itu uang biasa, lo bisa ada masalah besar. Harga bitcoin emang lagi drop drastis beberapa minggu ini. Tapi lo tetap perlu pasang mata baik2 di pasar.
      Saya pikir sulit untuk memasukkan Bitcoin ke dalam kategori uang. Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa itu adalah aset yang nilainya berubah secara drastis di pasar. Anda dapat menganggapnya sebagai uang yang nilainya berubah dengan penawaran dan permintaan. Apa yang kamu pikirkan kawan? Bisakah Anda mempertimbangkannya seperti ini?
      Saya telah mengatakan ini berkali-kali dan saya akan mengatakannya lagi bahwa Bitcoin bukan uang. Anda dapat menganggapnya sebagai aset. Aset yang nilainya tidak dapat diprediksi. Jika Anda menganggapnya sebagai uang, Anda akan menghadapi banyak masalah. Apa yang kamu pikirkan kawan? Apakah Bitcoin itu uang atau aset?
      Aku tau kalo Bitcoin itu sejenis mata uang kripto, tapi kalian ngga bisa menyamakannya kayak duit sungguhan. Bayangin aja itu semacam aset yg nilainya terus berubah seiring waktu. Menurutku pasar bitcoin salah satu pasar di luar sana yg paling tajam naik turunnya. Pernah ngga kalian liat pasar yg fluktuasinya lebih tajam?
      Saya pikir Anda harus mempertimbangkan Bitcoin sebagai aset. Anda tidak dapat benar-benar menganggap Bitcoin sebagai uang. Anda dapat menganggap Bitcoin sebagai aset yang nilainya sangat fluktuatif. Jika Anda melihat statistik pasar cryptocurrency ini, Anda akan kagum melihat betapa tidak terduganya pasar.
      Bank dan organisasi kapitalisasi keuangan lainnya adalah penentang besar Bitcoin karena mereka meyakini kapitalisasi tersebut. Bitcoin adalah mata uang terdesentralisasi yang berarti tidak ada yang bisa mengendalikannya. Itu sebabnya saya akan mengatakan itu akan sulit untuk disebut sebagai mata uang.
      I am earning free Bitcoin with just a bit of effort, and it's legit. Go here and look for yourself - https://freebitco.in/?r=19293515
      If everything would be so easy, we would all get Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies free. To make crypto, you have to work even in the case with CPU used for Monero or Tera Coin mining: you pay for computer (to mine Tera, it must be powerful). Suppose, it will be better to deal with something more reliable, although it will take your time and effort.