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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


Numpang promo sy ada EA buatan sndirii, BT dari 2010 DD 3% opit 20000%
Sy jual utk modal depo 150$ saja, ini pnjualn pertama dn terakhir, yg tdk minat abaikan saja, yg minat bsa kontak sy [email protected]
BT dri 2010

Salah kamar kayaknya agan, jual resmi aja di soehoe gan, hub om momod biar diatur kerjasama antara agan dan soehoe yg sesuai kentuan forum agar sama2 enak, yg resmi lebih enak kan Gan :)
Newbie izin coba ya pak. Btw, kalau suatu waktu saya matikan EA nya, ada pengaruh ke kinerja tidak ya? Terus bagaimana kinerjanya jika bertemu berita besar? Thanks.
Newbie izin coba ya pak. Btw, kalau suatu waktu saya matikan EA nya, ada pengaruh ke kinerja tidak ya? Terus bagaimana kinerjanya jika bertemu berita besar? Thanks.

Kalau cuma di disable dan selama EA nya tidak di removed dari chart harusnya ndak masalah yah
Hopefully you can also try to run this EA and share your experience with it.

hi belajatrading..

i did so many back tests with different settings, some high dd is there if use Lot_Exp_Buy - 1.8 & Lot_Exp_Sell - 1.8, we can get low dd by replace that value with 1.3, i am using this ea on real account, just started today, i will give u username and investor password if anybody interest to check
hi belajatrading..

i did so many back tests with different settings, some high dd is there if use Lot_Exp_Buy - 1.8 & Lot_Exp_Sell - 1.8, we can get low dd by replace that value with 1.3, i am using this ea on real account, just started today, i will give u username and investor password if anybody interest to check

Agree, you can also try my setfile as attached in previous comments :)
hi belajatrading..

i did so many back tests with different settings, some high dd is there if use Lot_Exp_Buy - 1.8 & Lot_Exp_Sell - 1.8, we can get low dd by replace that value with 1.3, i am using this ea on real account, just started today, i will give u username and investor password if anybody interest to check

Hi Rama,

Could you please share your username and investor password please? I am interested on this EA.
