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    Selamat datang kembali! Trimakasih telah menjadi bagian dari Komunitas Trader ini. Mari berdiskusi dan berbagi :)


Sir I want to Use your set file (Euro/usd,Gbp/Usd,Usd/cad,Euro/Jpy and Usd/Jpy) pairs and time frame 15M . Am I right ? or any problems ?
Uda gan dan uda ada op gan.. Tp ko floatingnya sampe 2hari ya gan? Op tgl 19 baru close tgl 21. Saya pake set conservative gan. Saya lampirkan hadil FT demo saya gan. Siapa tau ada masukan dari agan belajar trafing

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Uda gan dan uda ada op gan.. Tp ko floatingnya sampe 2hari ya gan? Op tgl 19 baru close tgl 21. Saya pake set conservative gan. Saya lampirkan hadil FT demo saya gan. Siapa tau ada masukan dari agan belajar trafing

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps

Emang ada yg salah dengan 2 hari kah?
today FT result from UJ TF15, once again awesome result..., belajartrading can u suggest me other pairs with set files...,


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dg Modal min $5000 (Akun CENT) broker 5 digit

Perhatikan Rule-nya:
1. Pastikan Broker yg bisa akun CENT dengan start Lots-nya 0.01.
2. Gunakan Laverage 1:1000.
3. Hanya Attack di 5 Pair
Hanya boleh Pair itu saja. bedakan Magic number tiap pair
4. TF15M run 24 jam
5. Apabila 1 pair sudah lvl 10 ganti set tp 20 20 sesuai preset
6. Pastikan setiap WD setiap 100%.
7. Pastikan ganti acc setelah profit 300%
8. Jangan lupa sedekah

salah satu acc saya

Selamat Mencoba..
Doa Saya Semoga bisa Konsisten

Itu saja
Salam Dari saya adji
Semoga membawa manfaat

gan adji nubi mo banyak tanya nih... boleh ya...

point 4--> running 24jam ga peduli ada nyus mo liwat, ato ada pertimbangan lain ?
point 5--> mengapa jika sudah lvl 10 harus ganti set..? maksudnya emang apa yang di lakukan oleh si set file tsb,,, dan jika set kedua sudah sampe lvl 10 apakah harus di kembalikan ke set pertama (30) ato gimana...?
point 7--> mengapa harus ganti akun,,, apakah untuk menghindari intervensi broker ato gimana..?

mohon pencerahannya gan.....
Trims :-)
Sir,I want to use Benefit EA.My Deposit $400 Forts Flex a/c (Cent a/c).would you please send me Best set file.Time frame and How many pairs and which pairs I can use for balance $400.
Hi all,

I'm newbie in Benefit EA

Currently I'm trying to test in EU pair my account was 5 digit.

I saw this video from YouTube running BT (Back Test) on EU pair on M1 Time Frame start depot with 35,000

I try to follow these configure but didn't success yet.

Can anyone help me to generate .set file for test same scenario on that video.

Please help and recommend

I am 1000% agree with your status.Mr.bejaartrading doesn't share true set file.for this no settings can protect your a/c
Hi all,

I'm newbie in Benefit EA

Currently I'm trying to test in EU pair my account was 5 digit.

I saw this video from YouTube running BT (Back Test) on EU pair on M1 Time Frame start depot with 35,000

I try to follow these configure but didn't success yet.

Can anyone help me to generate .set file for test same scenario on that video.

Please help and recommend

This is hedging martiangle ea type,, if your balance < 5000 for 3 pairs u will be get a margin call, for 3 pairs i recomended up to 5000$ or 50$ and convert to cent account..
This is my journal for this ea


Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
This is hedging martiangle ea type,, if your balance < 5000 for 3 pairs u will be get a margin call, for 3 pairs i recomended up to 5000$ or 50$ and convert to cent account..
This is my journal for this ea


Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Wow martingale system almost dangerous strategy I think I don't like using ea or strategy that based on martingale beside need huge capital also usually I am start only with small capital to learn
Wow martingale system almost dangerous strategy I think I don't like using ea or strategy that based on martingale beside need huge capital also usually I am start only with small capital to learn
All ea is very dangerous, no one can give you guaranted for no loss or no mc, MM is one of important point to use all of ea .. Its just my opinion :peace: [emoji16]

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Alhamdulillah having profits, now its 4th week with this EA on live accounts only 12% of DD
but 1 problem which i have noticed that if the market has strong trend like 1000 pips or more it ll be dangerous because this EA does not bucket close it closes trades one by one, and after 16 trades it stops taking more trades, belajartrading can u suggest any settings to handle these problems, thanx
Alhamdulillah having profits, now its 4th week with this EA on live accounts only 12% of DD
but 1 problem which i have noticed that if the market has strong trend like 1000 pips or more it ll be dangerous because this EA does not bucket close it closes trades one by one, and after 16 trades it stops taking more trades, belajartrading can u suggest any settings to handle these problems, thanx

U can sett this ea to order more than 17 level..

Sent from SoeHoe.ID mobile apps
Alhamdulillah having profits, now its 4th week with this EA on live accounts only 12% of DD
but 1 problem which i have noticed that if the market has strong trend like 1000 pips or more it ll be dangerous because this EA does not bucket close it closes trades one by one, and after 16 trades it stops taking more trades, belajartrading can u suggest any settings to handle these problems, thanx
Mantab keknya nih ea kerjanya, ane kalau mendengar ea bisa memberikan profit lumayan rasanya juga ikut senang, meski jarang menggunakan ea, karena masih coba belajar manual apalgi di broker firewoodfx sekarang juga ada akun mikro atau akun sen yang cocok untuk belajar pemula seperti halnya ane ea kalau digunakan di akun sen bagus kali yah