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Suggestion Basket Trading over 300++ pips a week

market window show all udah? droneox.tpl itu isinya untuk load EA, allow live trading, change background, dll

I did all procedures and remains the error when applying the template.
I'm using google translator and can only translate texts written in English to my language (Portuguese Brazil).
If you can guide me how to use the EA using English.
On programming I understand little and might help in the project.
Thank you so much.


  • 2016-02-04_135900.png
    39.2 KB · Views: 363
untuk conservative trade aggresive trade(daily trade) tp dan sl nya sama atau gimana sifu ?:rock:
untuk pair yang dipilih nya pasti 5 pair tersebut atau boleh bebas ya master? thanks infonya
I did all procedures and remains the error when applying the template.
I'm using google translator and can only translate texts written in English to my language (Portuguese Brazil).
If you can guide me how to use the EA using English.
On programming I understand little and might help in the project.
Thank you so much.
please read again post #1 in how to trade section. follow step by step.

lapor setelah buat pertimbangan, si dashboard ane buat thread baru aja, soalnya ga cuma basket sih :D
threadnya https://soehoe.com/dashboard-trading-basket-scalping-correlation-etc.t3470/
keren gan dashboard nya lebih lengkap. thanks. will try it.

masta droneox kenapa pilih pairnya kok GJ EJ NU GU AJ bukan pair yang lain, trimakasih masta :D
biar gmpang diliat aja gan di EA nya, kalo udah master basket, correlation, dll. tinggal edit script, pilih pair, profit.

untuk pair yang dipilih nya pasti 5 pair tersebut atau boleh bebas ya master? thanks infonya
GJ EJ NU GU AJ itu range daily nya lebar 100++ dan spread ga terlalu lebar
please read again post #1 in how to trade section. follow step by step.

keren gan dashboard nya lebih lengkap. thanks. will try it.

biar gmpang diliat aja gan di EA nya, kalo udah master basket, correlation, dll. tinggal edit script, pilih pair, profit.

GJ EJ NU GU AJ itu range daily nya lebar 100++ dan spread ga terlalu lebar

oo gitu ya masta kirain karna ada alasan lain
please read again post #1 in how to trade section. follow step by step.

keren gan dashboard nya lebih lengkap. thanks. will try it.

biar gmpang diliat aja gan di EA nya, kalo udah master basket, correlation, dll. tinggal edit script, pilih pair, profit.

GJ EJ NU GU AJ itu range daily nya lebar 100++ dan spread ga terlalu lebar
sip gan, kalo ada waktu berkunjung ya di thread ane :ok:
wkwkwkwk tembus 300% lebih 3 hari :v :v di akun demo tapi :( modal 7 usd jadi 24 $
sebenarnya cara kerja nya gimana y:p kok mudah bgt tolong jelasin dong om biar ane tau gimana prosesnya, gk langsung matangnya aja :rock::rock:
please read again post #1 in how to trade section. follow step by step.

keren gan dashboard nya lebih lengkap. thanks. will try it.

biar gmpang diliat aja gan di EA nya, kalo udah master basket, correlation, dll. tinggal edit script, pilih pair, profit.

GJ EJ NU GU AJ itu range daily nya lebar 100++ dan spread ga terlalu lebar

I did the whole process following step by step, but at the moment we apply the template the EA presents the error as picture attached:
mau tanya nih master TS, kalo penerapan strategi ini apakah bisa dengan cara manual dan apakah harus menggunakan VPS? thanks infonya